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ConsenSys Media
News, insights, and education on all things decentralization from leaders in the blockchain industry
Note from the editor

***Submissions: We accept submissions on all topics related to blockchain technology and the future of the Internet. We do not have strict editorial guidelines. The best way to understand if your piece is appropriate for ConsenSys Media is to read our publication. Submissions may be sent to james.beck@consensys.net. Please include the phrase “Submission” in the subject line and embed your submission in the text of the email, not as an attachment. All submissions must be original and complete. Be sure to tell us about yourself and your background. If you do not hear from us within two weeks, feel free to offer your writing elsewhere. ***Permissions: ConsenSys welcomes requests to syndicate or reprint articles for business, academic, and general purposes. All material in our publication is protected by copyright law. Reproduction of content requires the permission of the publication or individual copyright owner. To obtain permission to syndicate or reprint an article in a magazine or newspaper, please email james.beck@consensys.net with the phrase “Syndication request” in the subject line. Thank you.

Go to the profile of Consensys
A complete suite of products to create and participate in web3.
Go to the profile of Michael Wuehler
Michael Wuehler
Infura Co-Founder, ConsenSys, Ethereum NYC Founder
Go to the profile of Dan Finlay
Dan Finlay
Decentralized web developer at ConsenSys working on MetaMask, with a background in comedy, writing, and teaching.
Go to the profile of Joseph Lubin
Joseph Lubin
Founder of ConsenSys, a company that develops applications and utilities for the next-generation decentralized web, and co-founder of Ethereum.
Go to the profile of Matt Corva
Matt Corva
Matt is responsible for overseeing legal at ConsenSys while empowering the organization to build and deliver more revolutionary products to the ecosystem.
Go to the profile of Jeremy Millar
Jeremy Millar
Chief of Staff at ConsenSys LLC
Go to the profile of Don Mosites
Don Mosites
Co-Founder at @airswap, Co-Founder at @fluidityio
Go to the profile of ConsenSys Academy
ConsenSys Academy
Start your career in blockchain at academy.consensys.net
Go to the profile of Thomas Rush
Thomas Rush
Helping the world’s leading organizations engage more deeply in conscious capitalism.
Go to the profile of ConsenSys Academy
Go to the profile of AirSwap
AirSwap is a developer community focused on decentralized trading systems.
Go to the profile of ConsenSys Academy
ConsenSys Academy
Join us on our mission to develop the global blockchain ecosystem by bridging the Ethereum knowledge gap and revolutionizing education through blockchain tech
Go to the profile of Truffle
The world's most popular Ethereum development framework. Created by @timothyjcoulter #trufflesuite #solidity #smartcontracts #ethereum
Go to the profile of Ben Edgington
Ben Edgington
Blockchain protocol engineering at PegaSys, ConsenSys.
Go to the profile of James Beck
Content and Comms Director
James Beck
Discovering the language of Ethereum @ConsenSys
Go to the profile of Lex Sokolin
Lex Sokolin
Entrepreneur building next-gen financial services @Consensys @Autonofintech @Advisorengine, JD/MBA @columbia_biz, editor and artist @inkbrick
Go to the profile of Clemens Wan
Clemens Wan
Solution Architect @consensys and "guy that likes to write lists of 30"
Go to the profile of Sandeep Sian
Go to the profile of Anthony Albertorio
Anthony Albertorio
Community Builder at ConsenSys. Blockchain Dev + Organizer of meetup.com/EthBuilders ♢Albertorio.eth
Go to the profile of Devon Moore
Devon Moore
Digital Creative Director at Felt Zine
Go to the profile of Mattison Asher
Go to the profile of Clarissa Watson
Clarissa Watson
tech, poetry, experimental prose.