Go to Coreto.io
Coreto.io is a reputation-based crypto research platform with the goal to become the benchmark of trust and performance for the crypto industry, simple to use, enabling growth opportunities for any user, no matter his experience.
Note from the editor

A reputation based, tokenized social platform orientated towards the crypto communities needs, educating retail investors about blockchain based projects.

Go to the profile of Vali Tronaru – Digital Designer
Vali Tronaru – Digital Designer
I found myself wondering in the digital space and now I’m trying to make some sense out of it.
Go to the profile of Vlad Faraon
Co-founder & CBO @coreto
Vlad Faraon
Constantly “feeding my hunger” for doing good and help others reach a better version of themselves. Co-Founder & CBO @Coretoio
Go to the profile of Iustina Faraon
Co-founder & ceo @coreto
Iustina Faraon
I'm a digital entrepreneur and a tech enthusiast. I love to seek and plan disruptive ideas and projects.
Go to the profile of Andrei Bălăianu
Andrei Bălăianu
Head of Development @ Coreto.io
Go to the profile of Randy Heller
Randy Heller
Story Guru for Small Businesses, Startups, and Solopreneurs, found at RandyHeller.com & linkedin.com/in/RandyHeller
Go to the profile of Andrei Bălăianu
Andrei Bălăianu
Head of Development @ Coreto.io