Coronavirus SF: June 15, 2021 — We made it!

Xian Ke
Coronavirus in San Francisco
2 min readJun 16, 2021

Hello coronavirus-sf subscribers!

Some say that what doesn’t kill us makes us stronger. I say: we’re so lucky (and a little smart) to make it to today’s grand re-opening day in California! 🎉 This is the right time to say farewell to regular editions of this pandemic-era newsletter. I hope to meet some of you on Sunday, June 27 in Yerba Buena Gardens in San Francisco! If you haven’t yet RSVP’ed, please fill out this form by June 23. I will bring lemonade and ice cream! Nearby locations at the Metreon will be open for lunch orders!

While the vaccination numbers still have room for improvement, they’re looking spectacular (among the best in the world):

A historical retrospective: Life since the first edition of this newsletter on March 16, 2020 has been a whirlwind. So much we had to learn, process, and adapt to. There was initial excitement that perhaps the curve could be flattened within 3 months. Extensions of “shelter in place” guidelines and wondering whether the pandemic odds would be in our favor (Hunger Games style, April 27, 2020). Societal unrest, along with healthy escapes (June 15, 2020). Dealing with wildfire health issues, and that day when the sky turned orange (Sept 15, 2020). More tough times that I personally dealt with by escaping to Mexico (Nov 30, 2020). Waiting back in California for the vaccine to become more broadly available (Jan 15, 2021). And the patience paid off (April 15, 2021). For a while now, I had hoped that June 2021 would be when vaccines could reach most of us. This migration to post-pandemic life is both a long time coming — and an absolute miracle.

Thank you for reading! Knowing that each of you has visited the coronavirus-sf or covid-usa sites and chose to subscribe to this newsletter helped support my mental health during this pandemic. Even if just a few of you can make it to Yerba Buena Gardens on Sunday, June 27 (RSVP here), I’d be delighted to meet you there!

Stay safe and healthy! 🍀

— Xian

Originally published at

