Top Stories published by Corrado Cavalli in 2018

Lottie animations in UWP

Lottie is a library created by Airbnb team that parses animation created using Adobe’s After Effects and exported as json file using Bodymovin plugin. 
The library was targeting iOS ,Android and React native initially, but thanks to the hard work of community developers a version for…

Learning Git with Visual Studio #2

In the previous post we learned how to connect a solution to Git source control, we’ll now pay attention to the status of each file inside the solution. 
Git defines several status for the files it tracks, they can be: 
Git knows nothing about that file…

These were the top 10 stories published by Corrado Cavalli in 2018. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2018 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

Corrado Cavalli
I’m a Senior Software Engineer at Microsoft, former Xamarin/Microsoft MVP and, when not in front of a monitor, a passionate mountain biker and ski tourer.
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