Introducing Branded P2E Prize Bots!

Cosmic Champs
Published in
4 min readDec 13, 2023
Cosmic Champs P2E Branded Bots

TLDR: šŸ¤–šŸŽ These bots bring mutual benefits to all parties involved. They shine a spotlight on the sponsoring brand, which in our case are all Algorand projects. For Cosmic Champs, it means increased activity and engagement. For Algorand it opens doors to new audiences from different ecosystems, as who doesnā€™t love getting paid to play games?

But it doesnā€™t stop there. We see the potential for paid sponsorships and additional revenue streams for the gameā€™s Play-to-Earn economy in the future. And itā€™s not limited to just branded bots; we can have branded champs and even branded planets, as long as they fit within the gameā€™s overall setting.

See you on the Battlefield!

Now, letā€™s delve into the details.

Imagine starting as a new user, exploring Algorand and you click on a PLAY & EARN banner ad you see on Vestige. It takes you to Cosmic Champs beta page and within minutes you are ready to play.
Here are step by step instructions on how to install and play.
By playing Cosmic Champs and winning, you are earning tokens that represent different areas of the Algorand ecosystem. Here are some of the branded bots youā€™ll encounter:

  • Vestige Bot: Promoting real-time charting & trading suite.
  • AlgoGems Bot: Representing the OG marketplace on Algorand.
  • Cometa Bot: Your decentralized go-to staking and farming platform.
  • AlgoLeagues Bot: Representing utility NFT projects on Algorand.
  • Coop Bot: Algorands latest community controlled Meme token.
  • Cosmic Champs Bot: From yours truly, a slightly more difficult bot to defeat, but with greater rewards.

We have some very cool collabs planned with the participating projects, to further enhance user experience and immerse new players in the Algorand ecosystem. We are starting out with these two:

You donā€™t get to chose your opponents, but there is nothing stopping you from making them have a silly name! Obviously it was Coop Crowd that came up with this suggestion ā€” great idea! Take part in Coop Bot naming competition hosted by Coop Coin CRV and determine a more suitable name for the ā€œcoop botā€.

Details here:

We are proud to announce Cosmic Champs has joined Block Wars! What is even better, our very own Red Chroma Cybi NFT is eligible to enter! By participating in Block wars you can now receive 8 different Algorand tokensā€¦for free!

Details here:

We are excited to expand this roster in the future if this pilot proves successful which we have no doubts it will!

Ok, but how do the bots work?

Whether you are a seasoned player or new to the game, understanding how bots operate can greatly enhance your gaming experience and will help you maximize your chances of winning rewards.

Pairing with Branded Bots:
When playing the game, if certain conditions are met, you may be paired with one of the branded bots (instead of with another player). Before the match begins, you will receive a notification indicating that the next game is a prize game. This allows you to prepare and bring your best skills to the table.

Rewards and Defeating Bots:
If you manage to defeat the bot, you will be rewarded with the tokens provided by the bot sponsor. However, if you lose, unfortunately, no rewards will be granted. Itā€™s important to note that the bots are designed to be challenging enough to discourage farming or automation, while still keeping new users engaged and motivated. We value community feedback and will continuously tweak and balance the bots accordingly.

Opting-In to Receive Rewards:
To receive the asset/token rewards, it is necessary to have your wallet opted-in. This is unique to Algorand, but it ensures you only interact with tokens you trust and wish to interact with. We make it easy to opt-in as we provide button to do so, directly on the Game summary screen. We recommend clicking on the opt-in button each time you encounter a new bot for the first time. This ensures your eligibility for receiving rewards. Additionally, you can opt-in to the reward tokens in advance. Here are all the current reward tokens ASA ids:

$COSG ASA id = 1065092715
$COOP ASA id = 796425061
$GEMSASA id = 230946361
$VEST ASA id = 700965019
$META ASA id = 712012773
$ALC ASA id = 445905873

COSG Holder Tiers(up to 50% increase on rewards):
Being a part of the COSG holder tiers offers various perks. Your rewards are boosted, and your in-game stats are increased. Moreover, there are numerous other benefits associated with this program. To learn more about the COSG holder tiers, we recommend reading our comprehensive guide COSG HOLDER TIERS GUIDE.

Gaining an Edge with NFTs:
If you are looking to gain a slight advantage over bots or other players, our NFTs can be of great help. These NFTs offer slightly increased in-game stats and come with custom looks, allowing you to earn bonus points for style. Additionally, owning NFTs supports our project. Explore and shop our collection of NFTs:

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to enhance your gaming journey!



Cosmic Champs

Cosmic Champs is building the first 3d P2E NFT mobile game on the Algorand blockchain.