Top Stories published by Costs and Priorities in July of 2016

Physical and Virtual Things and Information Systems: PART 2

In Part 1 I talked about physical and virtual things. I said I would provide definitions of these terms.

If my ideas fail to be perfect defintions, they can, at least, serve as useful descriptions…

Real and Virtual Resources

[Trigger Warning: Graphic Content]

Before I wrote the post Money is Points, I abandoned another post titled “Is Money a Fetish?”

The idea is, money is just an object, but it gains cultural significance by pretending it has mystical…

Physical and Virtual Things and Information Systems: PART 1

The last post in this publication was “Real and Virtual Resources”. I got some things wrong in that post. I guess that’s a consequence of the dialectic of developing these concepts.

Costs and Priorities
“Supply and Demand” assumes resource relationships(ownership), and social expectations(market exchange), that aren’t always valid or appropriate. “Costs and Priorities” is a generalized, universal framework for understanding social choices and resource limitations.
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