Data Challenge: Update & Next Steps

Mike Klein
Published in
4 min readJun 1, 2020

Thank you to the 247 organisations that submitted applications to the COVIDaction Data Challenge. As of the May 18 deadline for the challenge, we received 339 submissions in total.

Our team is currently reviewing submissions for eligibility and completeness, which will then be turned over to a pool of experts who will score those eligible. They will be evaluated according to applicability and adaptability to LMICs and COVID-19, existing business model, data ownership, data security and privacy considerations, and alignment with the digital principles.

Selected submissions will then be assessed for how the Challenge can best benefit each concept, based on:

  1. Suitability for a digital registry and the global showcase;
  2. Appropriateness for matchmaking and partnership opportunities; and
  3. Funding appropriateness.

As we’ve highlighted in the past, the team is reviewing the submissions on a rolling basis, with points of contact alerted to the status of their submissions on an ongoing basis. All reviews will be completed and decisions made by the end of July.

The Applicant Pool

In which target areas did we receive submissions?

Breakdown: Data Challenge Submissions by Target Area

Across the board, we were really pleased with the quality of the applications. In particular, it was great to see the large number of mature data solutions (where there’s already capacity and use) that have pivoted to supporting the COVID-19 response. Keeping true to the Principles of Digital Development, this is important for a number of reasons. Perhaps most importantly, it allows the Data Challenge to honor its commitment of being collaborative, reusing, and improvising existing solutions, and building for sustainability.

What were most of interest to those who applied? Seed funding was, unsurprisingly, the most important areas of interest for applicants, but not by much.The breakdown in terms of the type of support desired included:

  • 177 interested in seed funding;
  • 134 interested in the FT Hub’s matchmaking services; and
  • 33 want to be part of a curated list that could be accessed.

Finally, the geographic reach of the Data Challenge is a point of pride and something we prioritised when we extended the submission deadline earlier this month. Nearly half of the submissions came from organisations based in LMICs (143 LMIC-based organisations submitted to the Data Challenge). We were also happy to see that a majority of applications offered functionality in languages other than English.

Announcing the COVIDaction Circle of Funders

What has been our core takeaway from running the Data Challenge? We were early to market and, as a result, we’ve seen a number of other funders come online in the interim with interest in supporting data tools related to COVID-19. In short, there has been a tremendous amount of interest in accessing the portfolio of innovations we’ve sourced — by other donors, governments, and implementing organisations.

To benefit our applicants and maximise the impact of the Data Challenge, we’re doubling down on the matchmaking and funding elements of COVIDaction — ensuring applications that should be funded have the possibility. We’re having conversations with bilateral donors and foundations right now on how best to facilitate engagement with the portfolio of innovations the Data Challenge has sourced. As we bring online new partners, you can expect exciting announcements.

To make this possible, we’re launching the COVIDaction Circle of Funders. This will include bilateral donors, private sectors investors, and NGOs that may have an interest in investing in the innovations.

As a first step, this will include Data Challenge innovations but will eventually include others sourced through other COVIDaction initiatives, including local production innovations and resilient health system solutions.

We’ll be making a formal announcement on the launch of the Circle of Funders soon.

If you’re interested in investing in COVIDaction solutions, we’re opening up a new submission form for those interested in getting early access to the platform. Watch this space for more information, or email us directly to get added to the list when the form goes live (email:

Keep the Submissions Coming

Finally, we’re opening up the Data Challenge submission forms, which can be accessed via the COVIDaction Medium page. This includes forms/target areas as before, i.e.:

New submissions won’t be included in the judging pool for the COVIDaction grants or showcase. That said, new applications WILL be included as part of the matchmaking process — providing the opportunity for the Data Challenge to source new and emerging solutions that could benefit DFID and its partners in responding to COVID-19.



Mike Klein

Michael Klein is a director of Itad US, focused on promoting the use of technology in development.