How will it work?

Christy Dena
Crafting Intangibles
2 min readApr 25, 2017

Videos and live community online

The basics: get a ticket, turn up to Twitter at the times shown on the schedule, join in watching and commenting #craftyint.

If you’re participating online-only

  1. Buy a ticket to access the online-only ($15).
  2. You will be emailed before the event with a password to the online videos. They will all be embedded on the schedule page too.
  3. On Sat 10th to Sun 11th June, 2017, you will participate online in Twitter (@CraftIntangible, #craftyint). So keep that weekend free!

If you’re coming to the Brisbane event (with extra guest talks)

  1. Buy a ticket to access the local Brisbane event ($50/$45).
  2. Turn up on Saturday 10th June to SAE Creative Media Institute, West End.
  3. Participate in the live talks with guest speakers, and you’ll be given access to all the online videos.
  4. You will be emailed before the event with a password to the online videos. They will all be embedded on the schedule page too.

If you’re coming to the Melbourne event (viewing-only party)

  1. Buy a ticket to access the online-only ($15).
  2. Turn up on Saturday 10th June to BAR SK, in Collingwood.
  3. Participate with other attendees at the viewing party, and you’ll be given access to all the online videos.
  4. You will be emailed before the event with a password to the online videos. They will all be embedded on the schedule page too.

On 10th August, 2017, all the videos will be available for free.


Note: Chris Avellone’s video will be available for free for all shortly though too.



Christy Dena
Crafting Intangibles

writer-designer-director story games, F/S, Crafting Intangibles, EXLab. Currently writing a book about “Redesigning Narrative Design” (this is my 2nd account)