What to Write About in August: The Thing Only You Know

Medium Creators
Creators Hub
Published in
2 min readAug 1, 2022


Every month here on Creators Hub, we share writing prompts to help you get those ideas flowing. Something that never ceases to amaze us, when we’re reading around Medium, is how many creators write here to share their knowledge in topics the rest of us know little about — from military history to UX design to potato chip flavors.

What are you an expert in? What do you know that no one else does, or that you can articulate uniquely well about your field or favorite topic?

The weird secret about your job

Maybe you’ve worked at a famous (or infamous) place and learned something you want to share. Maybe you had a conversation with a colleague you’ll never forget. Maybe you have advice for someone just starting out in your field that you want to write out. Go ahead, let it all out.

When the personal and professional collide

We’ve probably all had that moment when the news catches up to us and suddenly our training or background or interests are exactly what’s in the zeitgeist. Sometimes that’s as on-the-nose as being a medical student who gets monkeypox. Or sometimes it’s a little more subtle — like this teacher reacting to the way schools are changing. Write the piece you can picture people in your field sending to each other with a note that says “You HAVE to read this!”

The oddball specialty

What’s your weird, hyper-specific obsession? Microcopy? Underused iPhone features? An idiosyncratic comfort book? Celebrity cameos in Elmo videos? It can be so much fun to go really, really deep into one tiny topic. Try it, and let us know how it goes.

You’re invited to share your Medium stories in the responses to this post. We want to see what you come up with.

