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True Crime, Missing persons cases, unsolved cases and a better understanding of Offenders and Victims. Information and resources that help victims. Hope to bring justice to the missing people and their families. If you are interested in everything above, this blog has it all.
Note from the editor

True Crime, Missing persons cases, unsolved cases and a better understanding of Offenders and Victims. Information and resources that help victims. Hope to bring justice to the missing people and their families. If you are interested in everything above, this blog has it all.

Go to the profile of Nithila
True crime, mental health and psychology. Have a great interest in helping victims and find missing children. Masters in Criminology
Go to the profile of Nithila
True crime, mental health and psychology. Have a great interest in helping victims and find missing children. Masters in Criminology
Go to the profile of Vibrant Jellyfilsh
Vibrant Jellyfilsh
I write about anything and everything, as much as I can.
Go to the profile of Dani Bujold
Dani Bujold
True crime is not a genre for entertainment. It is an opportunity for growth and change within Canada. New cases every week.