Archive of stories published by Crypto42com

Crypto42 Watchdog №3


With a recent study of Morgan Stanley showing “That the majority of cryptocurrency trading volumes operate out of companies legally located (with OKEx, BitBay, Binance just recently joining) in Malta” , we thought Malta´s approach to get a pole…

The Agenda for our Crypto42 Token Investment Summit is online.

…HEUREKA! Besides finding interesting speakers, persuade them to come to Vienna (not really the “big” Blockchain epicenter), establishing the agenda is the most challenging issue in setting up a big event.

Crypto42 Watchdog №2


The ICO troubles around #TEZOS and #ENVION

With TEZOS building a decentralized application and smart contract platform and ENVION being more or less a mining company, these companies evidently do not have a lot of things…