Cryptonom X Monster Tribe Collaboration — 5/1/21

Published in
10 min readMay 1, 2021

Hey there!

Earlier this week we posted up an article that laid the foundation and backstory for how collaborations / partnerships would work within Cryptonom; weaving lore into the actual story and creating interesting plot elements that tie the universe itself together. Today we are proud to (finally) announce our collaboration with a game called Monster Tribe!

What is Monster Tribe?

Monster Tribe is a fresh new take on the monster taming genre, where exploration and strategy have become key focal points for the project. Players will find themselves in the vast, reclaimed wilderness of the island of Akama, surrounded by bits of ancient history and countless creatures known to the people of the island as the Ateyan.

You will collect and battle with the Ateyan at your side, leveling up, crafting a team and strategies for many challenging combat scenarios, and ultimately fighting your way through the large towers that loom over the landscape of Akama. With a score crafted to seamlessly blend the sounds of ancient technology with the wonders of an untamed wilderness, a vast world, a gripping narrative filled with style and mystery, and hundreds of unique monsters to collect and battle with, we at Boundless Games hope to create an experience unlike any you’ve ever played. We hope you enter the world of Monster Tribe and get lost in its wonders!

Reece and team are currently in the middle of a Kickstarter campaign and would appreciate any and all support to get the game funded!

Check out the trailer below!

As you can see, the game looks amazing, and it seeks to bring on a new take not-yet-seen in monster-capture games. 😁

What is Cryptonom?

Cryptonom is a free-to-play exploration-focused, turn-based RPG featuring unique creatures, called NOMs, that can be captured, leveled-up, and traded (on the Ethereum Blockchain) — all powered by the Enjin platform.

Gather your desired party and venture through 6 varied Zones populated with quests, NOMs, unique landmarks, and characters to discover! Witness the growth in strength of your NOMs as they level-up on a visualized progression board. Utilize an array of tools designed to give you an edge in battle, like potions, craft-able consumables, Relics, and powerful Summons.

Choose which Path(s) fit your gameplay style best and reap Path-based rewards as you increase ranking through a non-linear character progression system.

Delve into a story of conflict and struggle as you learn about the past and present of the NOMverse in order to decide the future of its inhabitants.

You can try out our v2 public demo and let us know what you think! Need more details? Check out the Medium article detailing the newly launched version of our demo!

*Currently desktops / laptops with Firefox / Chrome browsers are recommended for best performance.

What is an NFT?

First, for those that are new to crypto, let’s take a second to go over some basics, like, what an NFT is 😉

Here’s an excerpt from the article for you TLDR peeps:

Non-Fungibility: Unique & Identifiable

Things that are not directly interchangeable or replaceable are known as non-fungible.

Unlike fungible assets like Bitcoin, non-fungible items are characterized by:

- Unique, verifiable identity

- Provable scarcity

- Indivisibility

In many ways, non-fungibility is tied closely to identity, be it the identity of the asset itself, its owner, or its creator.

Imagine you’re dog-sitting for a friend and their poodle runs away. After tirelessly searching for days with no success, you decide to replace it with another poodle and hope they don’t notice.

They notice.

In short an NFT is a unique and identifiable asset that can be viewed publicly via the blockchain with proven statistics such as: the creator of the asset, the amount of the asset that is currently in circulation, when the asset was created, etc.

Be sure to check out our Cryptonom blockchain assets for some examples of NFTs!

In Cryptonom, all of our [Wild] NOMs are NFTs, backed with Enjin coin, which represent a particular monster within your digital wallet. Once you successfully capture it, the blockchain NOM is then sent to your wallet, and now it is truly yours to do with as you please. NFTs are a big deal and bring true asset ownership (and HUGE value for the player) to our game in a big way!

How does the collab work?

Introducing Baiyava a fire-based NOM that exists in both the Cryptonom & Monster Tribe worlds! Check out the Cryptonom version below!

Since Monster Tribe is not a blockchain-based game, this collab will have cameos of each project’s monsters in the other game.

For example, in Cryptonom, Monster Tribe’s creature [Baiyava] will be available in 2 formats: 1st Edition (MAX supply 100/limited supply) NFT and an Infinite (unlimited supply) NFT!

In Monster Tribe, Cryptonom’s [Celostial], will be available to capture and play with as a non-blockchain asset!

The Discovery of Baiyava

Here’s a bit of (lore) backstory on how Baiyava made it to the world of Cryptonom:

The crackle of static broke a monotonous silence.

“Jump Team ready, awaiting deployment.”

A squad of five stood before a Jump Gate — a sophisticated technological archway engineered to grant passage through to the mysterious worlds of the Multiverse.

At the forefront of the group stood their captain, a woman of diminutive stature who’s personality radiated a fiery temperament that commanded the respect of her companions.

Her attire was similar to that of the others, a crimson jumpsuit, though the addition of a doctor’s coat enhanced her attire, concealing a range of gadgets and assorted utility items.

Her communicator blipped as a response was returned under a hiss of radio interference:

“Access codes pending approval protocol. Clearance in progress…”

“…Overseer panel confirms clearance granted. Victor Team standby for gate activation.”

The room’s lighting faded.

The team’s visors were illuminated by the dim neon glow of the Jump Gate before them.

An activation alarm blared as wires connecting to the gate surged with a buzzing charge of raw energy, drawn from the source of all NOM creation — The Luminescent Meteor.

The warp field of the Jump Gate fluctuated for only a moment before stabilizing.

“You know the drill, go, go, go!”

The doctor signaled her team as they entered the shimmering portal, one by one…

The team surveyed their new surroundings.

It appeared to be the base of an active volcano, adorned by patches of tropical flora.

The skies were illustrated with an azure purity that seemed unpolluted by the artificial lighting of the modern cityscapes they called home.

Wasting not a moment on the scenery, the doctor had already set to work.

Referring to an energy scanner, she began moving towards the mouth of the volcano.

She gestured to each member of the unit with rehearsed precision.

“Dante, Huxley, you’re with me. You two — secure the gate and take soil samples. Move out.”

The team executed with haste.

The suits of the doctor’s squad shone in a brilliant cyan tone, as automated cooling units released soothing vapors to adjust for the rapidly rising temperature of their environment.

Within the depths of the smoldering crag, a series of boiling magma pools bubbled prominently, filling the air with the pulsing rhythm of the world’s primitive heartbeat.

Glancing once more at her scanner, the doctor identified a NOMinal energy reading.

An otherworldly echo emanated from beneath the team as they descended the uneven slopes of the cavernous perimeter, eventually discovering a subterranean lava lake.

The sound’s source came into view.

Emerging from the blazing expanse, a sizable fishlike creature, resembling a whale in shape, surfaced as it released a curious cry that travelled through the entirety of the heated hollow.

“It’s time. This is what we came for.”

Reaching into her coat, the doctor retrieved a pair of NOM Capsules, hurling them into the air.

The first Capsule released the draconic form of an Enjodo — an evolution of the shy natured Enjileon.

The second Capsule released a fearsome feline, Litmeon — an evolution of the more modest Litikat.

Despite the taxing heat of the intense atmosphere, both of the aquatic type NOMs were able to maintain their cool as their trainer began issuing her instructions.

“Enjodo, use Ice Spikes on the target — make it count!”

The frosty lizard propelled glacial missiles with chilling precision towards the fiery NOM.

A rocky percussion rang out as the projectile collided with the beast.

Letting loose a howl of agitation, the volcanic creature propelled itself into the air, re-submerging with tremendous force as heaps of molten liquid gushed onto the land.

Amidst the scorching aftermath of the NOM’s retreat, several smaller variants of the NOM flailed about, landbound from their recent displacement from the depths of the lava pool.

“Litmeon, it’s time — use Chilling Slash, now!”

The prideful catlike beast limbered itself as an aura of icy intensity began draining the heat from its immediate vicinity.

In seconds, the Litmeon sprang forth, crashing down with a frigid ferocity that completely incapacitated the unsuspecting NOMs.

“Now’s our chance — Dante, Hux, secure those specimens — move it!”

With the ground solidified from the arctic assault of the Litmeon, the team rushed forward, activating a set of engineered devices that expanded into medium-scale containment jars.

Under normal circumstances, Capsules would have been more ideal for such a task.

Capsule technology, however, mandated a set of pre-programmed parameters in order to successfully capture even mere simulated NOMs, let alone entirely unidentified Wild NOMs.

The containment jars, while somewhat unwieldy, were used effectively by the two squad members to seize several NOMs within before the devices were sealed with audible clicks.

Adhering to her persistently swift cadence of operation, the doctor recalled her Enjodo and Litmeon to their Capsules before leading the way back out of the volcano’s infernal confines.

Returning outside at last, the team regrouped.

A powerful vibration shook the ground as the volcano ignited — its lava flows intensifying with a fulminating fury from somewhere deep within the mountainous foundation.

Could it have been a response caused by the NOMs below?

Regardless of the event’s origin, the activated volcano now captivated attention from a distant group of humanoid figures, presumably native inhabitants of the world.

Their forms approached the team’s location at an alarming pace.

Fortunately, the doctor’s team had already signaled the reactivation of the Jump Gate’s warp field — an orb of luminescent plasma which seemed to phase through reality itself.

“We’ll have to skip the welcoming committee. Let’s get out of here.”

One by one, each member of the squad entered the warp field.

Weeks passed following the expedition’s resounding success.

Having received accolades from the Overseers for her bold performance during the mission, the doctor proceeded to make preparations to conduct studies on the retrieved NOMs.

The NOMs were relocated to a laboratory in the jungle climate of the Crimson Lagoon — a tropical environment which best emulated the humid atmosphere of their original habitat.

A discovery made by Jump Teams conducting further investigation (and interrogation) of the native inhabitants of the NOM’s world of origin revealed the creature’s name.

The stony “lava fish” species of NOM were identified as “Baiyava”.

Capsule attunement experiments soon followed.

A small piece of the Luminescent Meteor was submerged into the seething magma pools in which the captive Baiyava resided — a common practice for calibrating NOM energies.

Months of research took place.

In time, more of the rocky NOMs would populate the lab’s crimson pools.

Following countless calibration tests, Capsules were finally made to become accommodating to the genetic composition that comprised the stoical natured Baiyava.

Of course, once containable with Capsule technology, the Overseers wasted no time in generating an abundance of simulated Baiyava to market to the public masses.

As staunch and surprisingly maneuverable juggernauts, the Baiyava, adept at weathering the raging intensity of battle, have since become a popular choice amongst Champions seeking to add a primordial powerhouse to their arsenal of NOMs.

How can we get a Baiyava NFT?

The Cryptonom 1st Edition [Baiyava] NFTs will go on sale for $100 USD, or crypto-equivalent (ETH/ENJ), on 5/5/21 when 90 (of the available MAX 100 supply) will go on sale. The remaining 10 will be split between both projects for giveaways, contests, etc. These 1st Edition NFTs will be first-come first-serve but will be limited to 5 per order.

The Infinite (unlimited supply) [Baiyava] NFTs can be caught in-game upon full release of Cryptonom (TBD)!

But wait, there’s more! 👀

All purchases of the Cryptonom 1st Edition [Baiyava] NFT will also include a copy of the Monster Tribe game (Steam Key) once released! 😱

We hope this brings a ton of value to both projects and their players!

Quick Recap

[Baiyava] 1st Edition NFT

  • Sale launches 5/5/21 on our site —
  • MAX 100 Supply with 90 up for sale
  • $100 USD (or crypto equivalent in ETH/ENJ)
  • Each purchase (limit 1 per person / wallet address) comes with 1 Monster Tribe game key (emailed to purchaser once game launches)

The funds raised will help the development of both games! Thank you all for the continued support! 😃

We Appreciate you guys!

Stay tuned for more info and news on everything Cryptonom-related via our social channels!

For feedback, comments, and questions, feel free to drop us a line at!

Thanks for reading!

— Will M.

[The Cryptonom squad consists of: Will M, Tim S, Ramon V, James M and Bill M. Special recognition to: Danil, Archon, Kyle, Jen M, Jacob F, and Russell F. Artist: Morgan G.]




Cryptonom is a blockchain-powered digital creature ecosystem backed by the Enjin Platform and powered by Godot. Telegram: @cryptonomofficial #CatchNOMs