CryptoRome Launch 2.0: What to Expect

Caesar’s Triumph
Caesar’s Triumph
Published in
4 min readDec 11, 2018

The next evolution of CryptoRome is finally here. Here’s what you can look forward to starting Thursday, December 13.

Developer’s note before we get too far along here: we get that this launch was delayed several weeks. With that in mind, we say: our bad. We aren’t making excuses when we say that this launch is huge and required an equally huge amount of effort. Like, really huge. Think about it— an entire virtual economy built on a blockchain regulated by smart contracts! We’re proud of the work that we accomplished. We’re really pushing the limits of what is possible with blockchain gaming and are excited for what is still yet to come!

The days of mini-games are past us. This launch truly lays the foundation for the future of CryptoRome. The few extra weeks are worth the wait. We are thrilled to bring this next release to our community and are excited to introduce the game to new players.

Here’s what you can expect this Thursday in CryptoRome:

  1. Village resource production
  2. Land improvements: Add barracks, bakeries, wineries and blacksmiths
  3. Land GDP
  4. Industry: New goods production and resource uses
  5. Trajan’s Market Grand Opening: Buy and sell resources
  6. Village / Town / City Compose and Decompose Feature
  7. Denari packs: now on sale


1. Village Resource Production
Villages will now produce the resources found on the land!

Players can upgrade their resource production with denari. The cost to upgrade (i.e. produce more) is dependent on the value of the resource. So, for example, it will cost more denari to upgrade the production of marble than to upgrade the production of wood.

Once the markets are open, we understand that scarcity does not necessarily equal value. Our goal with the launch is to set up as balanced an economy as possible. Of course, economies have a mind of their own once left to the designs of the people. We believe this is a fun element of the game and are excited to see how the markets play out! Time and the markets will tell whether it makes economic sense to upgrade your resource production.

2. Land improvements: Place barracks, bakeries, wineries and blacksmiths
A village has six slots available for players to develop. Three slots come occupied with your preassigned resources. Players place new structures on a village in order to produce new items in the game. Place these structures strategically based on a number of factors. Is the value of wine in the Marketplace high? It might make sense to build a winery. Is your sole focus on building up a massive army? Add three barracks! You have many options when it comes to building on your village.

Players level up the production capacity of these structures with different building materials (Wood, Stone, Clay and Marble).

3. Land Gross Domestic Product
As players build and improve their villages, they are presented with the Land Annual GDP (gross domestic product).

The Annual GDP represents the annualized value of items produced on your land using real-time market value of those items. It also takes into account the amount of troops the village produces and capacity to produce goods. For example, if you build a blacksmith on your village, the amount of swords the blacksmith is capable of producing daily is factored into your annual GDP.

This will be the most accurate representation of how well you are doing in the game at improving your land and monitoring the economy.

4. Industry: New resource uses and goods production
Each resource brings advantages to the game, with new advantages being added as the game develops. We reviewed these use cases in a recent post.

5. Trajan’s Market Grand Opening! Buy and sell resources
This is the major development and what landholders have been waiting for! In Trajan’s Market, you’ll be able to buy and sell resources. This is a dynamic, self-regulating market where prices fluctuate with each transaction. Monitoring the marketplace and increasing or slowing production to capitalize on prices are an integral part of advancing in the game.

6. Village → Town → City Compose Feature
Through the power of the ERC-998 tokens we’ve implemented in CryptoRome, players can convert three Villages into a Town and gain an increase in resource production on those Villages. Players can also convert three Towns into a City and gain an additional increase in resource production.

7. Denari packs: now on sale
By popular request, packs of denari will go on sale. You’ll be able to find these in Trajan’s Market. You will have the option to purchase denari using ETH, a credit card or through exchanging resources.

In a recent post, we covered some of the details in transitioning elements of the current game into the new world of CryptoRome.

Up next: Caesar Triumph Tournament! All of the details you need to know to compete in the upcoming battle.

