The #CSforALL community rocked Women’s History Month 2018!

Ruthe Farmer
CSforALL Stories
Published in
2 min readMar 30, 2018

As we reach the end of Women’s History Month 2018 I’m feeling hopeful and proud. We invited the #CSforALL community to share their thoughts, dreams, and inspiration on women’s history from a CSforALL lens. They did not disappoint.

We learned about historic women and their contributions to the field, including efforts to recognize technical women on Wikipedia and the Notable Women in Computing cards project. We heard from young women about the role models that have inspired them from Ada Lovelace to The Babysitters Club to Jane Austin to the heroines of Sci-Fi. Members shared their thoughts on successful mentoring, the factors that contribute to the lack of women in CS, and student-led outreach programs to address that shortage. Finally, we heard from national leaders in equity Dr. Stephanie Rodriguez and Tarika Barrett about the necessity of intersectional approaches to CSforALL. See all the Women’s History Month guest blogs here.

From L to R (Top): Tarika Barrett, Stephanie Rodriguez, Taylor Fang. Top Right: Victoria Micalizzi. L to R (Middle): Susan Rodger, Jenny Martinez, Amy Book. L to R (bottom): Swathi Parthibha, Lizzie Siegle, Claire and Chris Xu. Bottom Right: Myra Cheng.

Hearing from Experts

March 24th we hosted a community call with presentations of opportunities and resources from NCWIT and Vidcode. The presentation and recording are archived, and below are a few additional resources that were called out by Community members in the group chat:

Ruthe Farmer, chief evangelist at CSforALL with Megan Smith, 3rd CTO of US, CEO Shift7


#CSforALL Twitter was on fire for Women’s History Month, with campaigns from Vidcode, NCWIT, and many more — and tons of collaboration among organizations!

#CSforALL by ALL

As we continue this journey of bringing rigorous, inclusive and sustainable computer science to all students — as a community — we are looking forward to more collaboration and events like this. Women’s History Month 2018 demonstrated what a great community we have working on #CSforALL and we are looking forward to sharing more member knowledge, ideas and inspirations going forward! On to April!



Ruthe Farmer
CSforALL Stories

#TechEquityEntrepreneur, Founder @LastMileFund, former @csforall, @ObamaWhiteHouse @OSTP44, @ncwit, @ncwitAiC, @TECHNOLOchicas, lifetime @girlscouts