Go to CultureTech
Sharing new ideas about Art & Culture. Our mission is to Open Up Art through greater transparency around intellectual property, rights and data.
Note from the editor

This medium publication is from the team at CultureTech, a startup with the mission to Open Up Art through greater transparency around rights and data.

Go to the profile of Christopher Vicini
Christopher Vicini
Design and Development Lead @CultureTech. Always learning. Lover of design systems, clean code, and outer space. Builder. Editor medium.com/culturetech-notes.
Go to the profile of Richard O'Leary
Richard O'Leary
President of CultureTech.
Go to the profile of Nicholas B. Cipolla
Nicholas B. Cipolla
Data Strategist @CultureTech. Museum & Linked Data advocate, art historian, longtime Angeleno. Can be found in front of a computer or on top of a mountain.
Go to the profile of Rachel Wright
Rachel Wright
Cultural Entrepreneur & Public Scholar
Go to the profile of Kim Bush
Kim Bush
Kim Bush has been working in the cultural sector for over 25 years in licensing and exhibition management. She currently works as the Museum Liaison at Culture