Project Tracker — Issue 14

Cypher Core
4 min readJun 2, 2020



Akash Network

There’s been a ton of buzz around the Akashian challenge and we’re seeing exactly why this has been the second-largest incentivized testnet in the Cosmos Hub. After running three releases of phase 1, the team officially announced the final release, Cygni. The goals for Cygni are to ensure frictionless upgrades, and to identify and correct coordination gaps.


Althea is at it again with another month of onboarding communities! This time around we’ve seen them welcome three new Altheahood’s, Teme, Ghana; Watertown, Tennessee; and Knappa Oregon. Along with this they recently issued a developer update highlighting operator tools, Peggy (Ethereum <-> Cosmos bridge), and EIP-55 support.


Our friends at Chainapsis recently released a proof of concept version of Kepler IBC, which allows you to send tokens between various blockchains that exist in Game of Zones. This is a pretty sick thing to have as it allows the public to get a hands-on feel for how IBC will eventually play out on one level. For more information on this check out Josh Lee’s writeup.


IRISnet’s at it again with a plethora of updates. We had the pleasure of covering the majority of them earlier this month so if you’d like to circle back to all those goodies check out our latest Portfolio Update. Outside of all that Rainbow GoZ wallet also recently got an update, which allows OKChain’s testnet to be available for IBC transfer and coinswap. If you’d also like to experience crosschain transfers and atomic coinswaps with Rainbow-GoZ, check out their latest article!


Honestly, when it comes to Persistence this team is always busy. There are so many exciting developments within their group each month it’s insane. Not only has this team significantly contributed to GoZ (Game of Zones) with tooling, but also have been busy expanding their Advisor Board with recent additions in Jason Choi (Head of Research, Spartan Capital) and Sandeep Nailwal (COO and Co-founder, Matic Network). On top of all that CEO, Tushar Aggarwal, also shared his views on Interoperability and Persistence’s work on IBC with Cointelegraph.


Cyber Congress recently submitted a governance proposal to the Cosmos Hub, making this prop #26. With prop #26 Cyber Congress is looking for assistance regarding their takeoff round from the community pool and abroad. In return, once IBC is enabled, they will transfer their native token CYB to the community pool. With current voter turnout, our team is not only asking you to participate we’re hoping you join us in voting yes to support this group. With projects like Cyber Congress, we’re able to see the Cosmos ecosystem grow beyond the cookie-cutter typical project scope and show the greater blockchain community that projects with good intention, trying to find product fits of all kinds should be welcomed and supported within Cosmos. Cyber Congress has been committed to the growth of the Cosmos ecosystem for over a year now, so we’re hoping our community can help these guys out one way or another. Check out their site to learn more about prop #26 and how you can get involved with Cyber Congress.


Terra had a huge month with five well known Korean merchants integrated to Terra and Chai. WeMakePrice, Nexon, Kyobo Book, W Concept, and 10x10 have been welcomed to the Terra community which allows the platform to be introduced now to another 1,400,000 users. Talk about mass adoption right? Terra also kicked off their grants program and released Chaiscan. For more details check out their month in review.

Quick Hits


On May 29th, the Certik Foundation announced the CertiK Chain DeepWallet and Explorer Bug Bounty Program. Check out the details here.

Secret Network

Enigma recently rebranded to Secret Network thanks to their most recent on-chain governance proposal. I think this is the first of it’s kind to take place and succeed at that which is pretty cool when you really think about it. Congrats to everyone involved with that one.


Aragon Association will be taking legal action against Autark due to a breach of agreement, which is a pretty interesting development. It seems this won’t be affecting the community or token holders in any way.

Desmos Network (Forbole)

Desmos Primer Program recently passed through phase 4, hope you stacked your DSM!

Regen Network

Got 8 minutes? Check out Regen’s postmortem of their recent CosmWASM Kontraŭa testnet. Good job to everyone involved, definitely looking forward to what’s next with Regen Network.


IOV officially announced their migration to the Cosmos SDK!


These project updates were researched from git repos and project blogs. If you have a project that’s active but not listed here, please reach out to us so I can make sure your update is included in future posts. Cypher Core is dedicated to the Cosmos ecosystem and community and is here to help as a validator, as well as to help projects solve business needs like getting your project the sunshine it needs to thrive.

Until next time.

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