Top Stories published by DAOstack in 2018

An Explanation of DAOstack in Fairly Simple Terms

DAOstack is designed to catalyze the future of collaboration. It’s a platform for decentralized governance that enables collectives to self-organize around shared goals or values, easily and efficiently. DAOstack is sometimes called an…

Introducing Alchemy — Budgeting for decentralized organizations

What is Alchemy?

Alchemy is a budgeting and resource-allocation tool for decentralized organizations. It is an interface that enables thousands of individuals to coordinate towards a…

DAOstack Q&A

The other day, the representatives of Inc. Magazine asked us to answer some questions in service of a story they were developing about DAOstack. I’m publishing the ensuing Q&A here, with their permission, in case it’s useful for the wider community. Answers represent my own perspectives, though I did


Original article in English here.



These were the top 10 stories published by DAOstack in 2018. You can also dive into monthly archives for 2018 by using the calendar at the top of this page.

DAOstack is designed to catalyze the future of collaboration. It's a platform for decentralized governance that enables collectives to self-organize around shared goals or values, easily and efficiently.
More information