DAOstack Update: Alchemy Private Pilot Relaunch || DappCon Recap || ETHBerlin || Media Roundup

Stratis Karadakis
Published in
4 min readAug 2, 2018

DAOstack continues to have a thrilling summer complete with media features, major steps forward for Alchemy, and ongoing participation in events of the blockchain community. Here’s the DAOstack news since our last update:

Alchemy Private Pilot To Re-Launch

A few weeks ago we announced the official mainnet launch of Alchemy, a decentralized governance DApp for resource allocation that plays a central role in the DAOstack ecosystem. In our last update, we announced that the Alchemy test community had passed its first funding proposal, which financed a book created by our partners at Enspiral.

Phase one of Alchemy’s launch was extremely educational. We fixed bugs, improved technical specifications, and gathered plenty of feedback from our first batch of DAOstack users. Building on the lessons learned, we’ll be soon re-launching Alchemy with significant upgrades.

The user base for this second test phase will include the DAOstack Pollinators, our early-adopter and advocate community, to help optimize Alchemy’s effectiveness and user experience, build the foundation of the DAOstack community, and spread the word about DAOstack.

The primary purpose of this phase will be to set the stage for the upcoming public alpha round and lay the groundwork on which numerous proposals will be successfully made and executed. We will be releasing more details about the public round soon.

A few of the Pollinators recently shared their thoughts on participating in Genesis Alpha and Alchemy:


“It’s definitely a well-organized process. My hats off to the Team! They’re one of the most transparent, compliance-friendly, cautious, and intellectual teams out there”.


“As a political activist, I’m excited about Genesis Alpha, the second testing stage, because I’m very curious to see if a DAO can overcome the politics of ego and self-interest and manage funds collaboratively. If we can make even one step forward towards collaborating in a non-zero sum-game…wow. I’m honored to be one of the first testers of the system”.


“I believe user-centric design iterations will be crucial to take this new social organization tool to the scale it deserves. Alchemy and the Genesis DAO are tools that will bring philosophical excitement to unique user experience and functionality. In my opinion, already running these development processes in a decentralized manner is very exciting and symbolizes a lot”.

DAOstack at DappCon

Matan presenting at DappCon

Our CEO Matan Field, CTO Adam Levi and many other team members were in their element at DappCon, a global nonprofit developer forum on decentralized applications and the future of Ethereum. DappCon took place in Berlin, one of Europe’s blockchain epicenters, and was organized by Gnosis, another Ethereum-based project and a partner of DAOstack.

Matan gave a presentation on “Holographic Consensus, Scalable DAOs” (video here), while Adam joined a panel on “Potentials of Decentralized Governance”. Other presenters included Solidity creator Christian Reitwiessner and Ethereum-cofounder Joseph Lubin. Adam and Matan also spent time with Gnosis continuing to developing DutchX, a decentralized token exchange powered by the DAOstack framework. Gnosis’s Christiane Ernst also spoke about DutchX and its integration with DAOstack.

DAOstack to Sponsor ETHBerlin

DAOstack will sponsor and attend ETHBerlin, a September hackathon for Ethereum developers. The event will feature an intensive multi-day hackathon for top Ethereum innovators and plenty of workshops and talks for members of the Ethereum community. We will host a booth, and we’re looking forward to making plenty of new connections and continuing to educate the Ethereum community about DAOstack!

DAOstack GEN has been added to Coinswitch!

Coinswitch is a cryptocurrency swap service that allows users to swap 300+ different cryptocurrencies directly with each other through an easy-to-use interface. With it, token holders can convert their cryptocurrency of choice into GEN, or vice-versa, at the cost of a small transaction fee.

Media Roundup

  • Dapp Sheet founder Malachy included quotes from DAOstack’s Matan Field and Josh Zemel for a piece on DAOs, democracy, and DAOstack. You can read it on Dapp Sheet here: “DAO: Why the Purest Forms of Democracy May Now Be Possible.”
  • Alex Cort, an analyst for blockchain investment firm Ledger Capital, published a thorough overview of DAOstack for crypto investors. Read it here: “DAOstack Coin Report.”
  • Popular podcast Bitcoin Roundtable sat down with Josh to discuss DAOstack and DAOs in general, covering use cases, decentralization challenges, the collaborative economy, and the future of DAOstack. You can listen to it here on the web or here on iTunes.



Stratis Karadakis

Digital marketer, entrepreneur & blogger. Passionate about free thought, free speech and free market. Marketing Manager @ DAOstack.