Stelios Evangelou
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readJan 12, 2017

Imagine a world without books, without speech and without writing. That’s a world without values and that’s a world without human evolution. Whatever the question on that matter the answer is FREE AND QUALITY EDUCATION for everybody. The team of Education Found! Led by our teacher Miss Betty Tsakarestou our team is willing to put its maximum effort in order to make the education system here in Athens a better place and we have education as our flag as we move on to the future!

Even though, ‘Education is the most powerful weapon we can use to change the world’’, as Nelson Mandela quoted, it has been facing major issues that should be solved as soon as possible to benefit future generations. In order to find solutions we contacted on of the biggest Education- dedicated organizations in Greece.

‘El Sistema’ has been founded in Venezuela and it firstly operated in Greece last September. The organization is made of 2 Co-founders, 1 country managing director, 8 teacher and 2 translators. For our project’s purposes we contacted Mrs. Demetra Raftopoulou, El Sistema Greece’s manager, who explained the organization’s ambition to achieve minor refugees’ incorporation in Greek and European societies.

The organization believes that through music classes and dialogue, togetherness and unity will be achieved. El Sistema Greece is taking as many minors as possible under its wing in order to improve their education’s quality which equals to better life conditions. Up to 3000–4000 children have been privileged with the program. Impact Hub Athens hospitals the organization which we, as a team decided to collaborate with.

The main reason we concluded to this cooperation, was the fact that El Sistema Greece is dedicated to have a global impact on education’s improvement. We are positive and really looking forward to this collaboration as we believe that future and current generations’ quality of education and life can be achieved.

Continue with the next posts

Andrea’s post here

Constantinos Christodoulu’s post here

Marios post here

Minas post here

