Education Found! — Steps to achieve our goal

Constantinos Christodoulu
Dare to Challenge
Published in
2 min readJan 11, 2017

Imagine a world without books, without speech and without writing. That’s a world without values and that’s a world without human evolution. Whatever the question on that matter the answer is FREE AND QUALITY EDUCATION for everybody. The team of Education Found! Led by our teacher Miss Betty Tsakarestou our team is willing to put its maximum effort in order to make the education system here in Athens a better place and we have education as our flag as we move on to the future!

Firstly we aimed at finding schools that needed our help in order to improve their education levels. We realized that such a thing needs a big support from the government and the system so we were left without a clue about what we should do. In an instance we thought about finding people who may well be volunteering for any kind of help is asked and who are willing to support our ambition and shared our beliefs on FREE and QUALITY education for everyone. We have created a Facebook page that is a way to communicate and connect with those people.

Our aim was then to spread out and if any school or any person has a problem with their education is contacting us and we are helping them anyway we can. For example we are going to help schools that need cleaning or any other kind of rebuilding. That is where our volunteers come in, who will help us. Then our collaboration with El sistema happened and we were so excited that we are working with them. One of their problems is that they need volunteers’ for their events or help with their equipment and to control all the kids in their organization who are a lot. Our volunteers will have perks such as a participation gift selected by our group organizers and will meet other people who share their thoughts

Our journey continuous in the next post…

The beginning

Partnership with El Sistema

Future Plans and ambitions

A Conclusion

Team members : Andrea, Minas Georgiou , Marios Orthodoxou, Stelios Evangelou, Constantinos



Constantinos Christodoulu
Dare to Challenge

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