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Knowledge engineering and Semantic Data Governance
Semantic web, Knowledge Graphs, Triple stores and graph databases, Linked Data, Ontologies, Master Data Management, MetaData Management…
Виртуализация данных — суть и практическое применение.
Виртуализация данных — суть и практическое применение.
Виртуализация данных — подход, позволяющий работать с данными на основе концептуальной модели, без раскрытия технических подробностей об…
Eugene Hlyzov
Oct 21, 2019
How-To: running a Google Cloud Dataflow job from Apache NiFi
How-To: running a Google Cloud Dataflow job from Apache NiFi
In the previous story, we told how Google Cloud (GC) Dataflow and Apache NiFi had been cooperated to solve the data transformation task…
Sergey Lebedev
Nov 26, 2018
Topology of Business: A Knowledge Graph of Federal Tax Service
Topology of Business: A Knowledge Graph of Federal Tax Service
Maksim Kolchin
Aug 8, 2018
What is a Semantic Web Knowledge Graph? The main building blocks
What is a Semantic Web Knowledge Graph? The main building blocks
We at DataFabric help companies build knowledge graphs on top of their existing data to facilitate better access through unified…
Maksim Kolchin
Jul 27, 2018
Apache Beam and Apache NiFi cooperation
Apache Beam and Apache NiFi cooperation
An experience of XML to RDF transformation
Sergey Lebedev
Jul 4, 2018
A practical review of non-RDF to RDF converters
A practical review of non-RDF to RDF converters
I believe, converting bunch of CSV, JSON or XML files to an RDF format is a very popular task for people dealing with Semantic Web, Linked…
Maksim Kolchin
Jun 8, 2018
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