Archive of stories published by

Libraries vs. Frameworks

In the world of programming, the difference between a library and a framework is often a source of confusion and debate. In general, the differentiating feature is a matter of control — frameworks dictate how your project will be structured, whereas libraries are building blocks that…

Upgrading to Async/Await with JavaScript ES8

Last week I wrote about Promises, a JavaScript feature introduced in ES6. Promises were a great leap forward in the escape from callback hell, but I’ve come to view them as something of a stop-gap now that async/await is supported in NodeJS (as of…

Designing a RESTful API

While working on DataFire, I’ve had the chance to work with hundreds of different APIs to build out our set of integrations. I’ve seen a lot of good, bad, and ugly API designs, and would like to share what I’ve learned so far.

Lesson #1: JavaScript — The Basics

This is part one of Learning to Program with DataFire

My aim in this lesson is to demystify programming for the non-coders out there, as well as provide a fun and tangible way to get started writing code. We’ll use spreadsheets as an analogy…

Why we built DataFire

One of the great things about being a software startup today is the overwhelming abundance of SaaS products itching to take work off your plate. The majority even offer free tiers while you’re in development/beta mode, with the hopes of locking you in as a customer in the event your… is Leaving Beta

tl;dr — check out the latest release at

Earlier this year, we open-sourced the DataFire framework, which helps developers connect services like Slack, GitHub, and Gmail to help manage their data and build new applications. We’re excited…

These were the top 10 stories published by; you can also dive into yearly archives: 2015, 2016, and 2017.