Upgrading to Async/Await with JavaScript ES8

Last week I wrote about Promises, a JavaScript feature introduced in ES6. Promises were a great leap forward in the escape from callback hell, but I’ve come to view them as something of a stop-gap now that async/await is supported in NodeJS (as of…

Libraries vs. Frameworks

In the world of programming, the difference between a library and a framework is often a source of confusion and debate. In general, the differentiating feature is a matter of control — frameworks dictate how your project will be structured, whereas libraries are building blocks that…

DataFire.io is Leaving Beta

tl;dr — check out the latest release at app.datafire.io.

Earlier this year, we open-sourced the DataFire framework, which helps developers connect services like Slack, GitHub, and Gmail to help manage their data and build new applications. We’re excited…

Lesson #1: JavaScript — The Basics

This is part one of Learning to Program with DataFire

My aim in this lesson is to demystify programming for the non-coders out there, as well as provide a fun and tangible way to get started writing code. We’ll use spreadsheets as an analogy…

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