Of broken pumpkins and wasted lemonade

[The idea for this post was given by Mahesh B. L., who is a friend of DataWeave. We are going to have some fun with data below.]

Ayudha Puje (ಆಯುಧ ಪೂಜೆ) or Ayudha Puja marks the end of Navaratri. It is the day before Dasara. Ayudha Puje…

A Peek into GNU Parallel

GNU Parallel is a tool that can be deployed from a shell to parallelize job execution. A job can be anything from simple shell scripts to complex interdependent Python/Ruby/Perl scripts. The simplicity of ‘Parallel’ tool lies in it usage. A modern day computer with multicore…

DataWeave’s Telecom Recharge Plans API

Several months ago we released our Telecom recharge plans API. It soon turned out to be one of our more popular APIs, with some of the leading online recharge portals using it extensively. (So, the next time you recharge your phone, remember us :))

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