Dating an Aquarius: The Best Parts

Dating an Aquarian often gets a bad rap, but there are some amazing things they bring to a relationship.

Dating with Intention
5 min readOct 16, 2023


Photo by Jarin Dominguez on Unsplash

My previous post on dating an evolved Aquarian really took off. So, I thought I would expand on it a bit more.

Dating an Aquarius can be an exciting and unique experience (even a rare one in that there are fewer of us than the other zodiac signs.) And that makes us targets for lengthy clickbait-y articles on why we make terrible people to date. But, Aquarius can actually be amazing to date. Here are some of the best traits to appreciate when dating an Aquarius:


Aquarius individuals are incredibly open to new ideas and experiences. They are willing to explore new concepts and perspectives, which can make conversations with them intellectually stimulating.

Dating tips: we are attracted to your intellect, first. Once we are drawn to that, we tend to go deeper. Uninteresting and incurious people are a turn-off. So, feel free to go deep with the conversation in the early stages!


Aquarians highly value their independence and will respect your need for space and autonomy as well. When done in a collaborative manner with our partners, this can lead to healthy independence in a non-restrictive relationship.

Dating tips: we are very loyal to our partners (be it monogamous or otherwise). Just know that our need for independence ties back to our innate overthinking / over-analyzing, and our creativity. We need some time to think, to replay the tapes, or be creative without distractions. Ask an Aquarian how they like to recharge, and then tell them that you would like a heads up on when they need alone time.

Social Awareness

Aquarius people tend to be socially conscious and are often involved in causes or community projects. Their commitment to making the world a better place can be inspiring and align with shared values.

Dating tips: the way we support and what we support is a direct link back to what is most important to us (or has been traumatic to us, as we tend to make up for it through helping others.) You can learn a lot about an Aquarian by the things they are tracking and supporting. Again, ask them, and they will tell you what is important to them.

Intellectual Curiosity

You can expect engaging discussions with an Aquarius. They have a natural curiosity and love to learn, making conversations with them interesting and insightful.

Dating tips: conversations with an Aquarius are never dull. Wild, yes, deep, absolutely, sometimes even a bit feral. 🤣 Again, be curious about yourself, life around you, and the Aquarian, and you’ll really connect with them. Teach an Aquarian something new and you will see the connection grow closer.

Friendship First

Aquarians often prioritize building a strong foundation of friendship in their relationships. They’re great at being a supportive and loyal partner, in addition to a romantic one.

Dating tips: Aquarians can be slow to fall in love, as we tend to prefer seeing how good a friend you will be, first. We need both friendship and romance, so give us a little more time than others and we’ll get there.

Communication Skills

Aquarius individuals are usually excellent communicators. They express their thoughts and feelings openly, making it easier for you to understand their emotions and concerns.

Dating tips: you can even say we are over-communicators in that we love to share, love to talk, and love to be seen. If you have a tough time communicating your feelings, you may have a tough time keeping an Aquarius—we tend to not understand why someone wouldn’t share what they are feeling or thinking.

Unconventional Thinking

Aquarians tend to think way outside the box and are open to unconventional ideas and lifestyles. This can lead to a relationship that’s anything but dull.

Dating tips: you will not be bored with an Aquarian’s mind. It’s a long stream of consciousness that will never run out. Where it can drive people nuts is that we will take the time to learn all the rules, and then spend time perfecting them in unconventional ways. The pro tip here is knowing that we don’t always feel we are right, but want to be heard. Active listening is key with us.

Respect for Individuality

Aquarius respects individuality, not only in themselves but in their partners as well. They appreciate unique qualities and encourage personal growth.

Dating tips: this goes with the independence above. But, also, we want you to see that you are growing personally and professionally. People that do not grow or change are odd ducks to us, and we take it that you are not curious, adventurous and growing stale. Share your journey of personal and professional growth with your Aquarian!

Adventure and Spontaneity

Aquarians are often up for spontaneous adventures and trying new things. This can add an element of excitement to the relationship.

Dating tips: we love when people see us in that they have been listening, taking notes and coming up with things that are new to us that they think we would like. We are also the type that will just dip into a shop during a walk and peruse the shelves looking for something interesting, or try something new on a menu. Don’t stifle or corner your curious Aquarian!


Aquarians are typically non-judgmental and accepting of different viewpoints and lifestyles. They are more likely to appreciate your quirks and individuality.

Dating tips: this depends on their upbringing. But, as for meeting quirky and unique people, we tend to get real curious and accept them quickly. Why? Because we see a lot of our quirky and unique selves in them, and since we want to be seen and accepted, we will do that in others as a support unit of sorts. Get weird with your Aquarian!

Emotionally Resilient

Aquarius individuals tend to be emotionally resilient and are often good at handling stress and challenges. This can make them a calming influence during tough times.

Dating tips: this too will depend on their upbringing and how they were taught to handle stress and change. The innate resilience comes from the fact that we are constantly reinventing ourselves and doing personal growth. So, stress and change are our bread and butter. When others are having a tough time, we tend to lean in and offer help in a calm way.


Aquarians are often social butterflies and can introduce you to new people and experiences. They can be great at networking and socializing.

Dating tips: you will always find us in the thick of it, cracking inapropriate jokes (and then spending years replaying the tapes of that moment. #cringe!) But first, find out if your Aquarian butterfly is an extrovert or introvert—most of us tend to be introverts, so find out how to date the introverted here.

In Summary

It’s important to keep in mind that everyone is unique, and not all Aquarius individuals will exhibit all these traits. However, recognizing and appreciating these positive characteristics can help you have a fulfilling and harmonious relationship with an Aquarius partner.

If you do just two things, I strongly suggest active listening and knowing what healthy independence looks like in a relationship. You’ll do fine, and have a lot of fun since Aquarians are really the most fun.



Dating with Intention

Intamateo is a collection of my learnings over the years, through 4 therapists, 3 personal coaches, 2 groups, and a shaman. I’m still exploring my insides.