Top Stories published by DebatingDonald in February of 2017

Why is Russia our enemy? 2/3

Hey Jordan —

Timely question given Flynn news this week.

You really should read that Economist piece. I’ve just started reading The Economist and I’ve become a big fan. Really thoughtful weekly. There’s also a good Frontline on…

True Lies (2/3)

Hey Jordan -

Since the bulk of your note was spent elsewhere than the below two questions, I added comments directly to your post. To your questions:

Jordan: What do you think President Trump’s motives are when making these statements?

True Lies (3/3)


Your answers are interesting. Thank you.

I think the heart of the matter is your “alternate theory” and “increase their discomfort” answers, so I’ll focus on those. (Readers are invited to read the more minor, back-and-forth stuff by visiting…

Why is Russia our enemy? (3/3)


Solid response. I could nit-pick a few things and sound off a little, but I don’t strongly object to any of the points you made. Trump just categorically denied some of the things you wrote (e.g. having business ties), but that’s not hard…

An ongoing discussion about our 45th president between two long-time friends.
More information