Go to Decentralized Commerce
Decentralized Commerce
The future of e-commerce
Note from the editor

Cryptocurrencies are the future of e-commerce. Every year more and more people use the benefits of online shopping. But those benefits are limited because of the traditional banking system. Banks, as intermediaries between buyers and sellers on the internet, aren’t needed anymore. We have cryptocurrencies now. We don’t need a middleman to trade with each other. We can have more secure system with greater level of privacy and autonomy for both sides. All we need is a decentralized marketplace with its own embedded coin. That is the future of e-commerce and cryptocurrency as well. Let’s explore it together.

Go to the profile of Alfred Maxwell
Alfred Maxwell
Turning e-commerce into crypto-commerce / Economist / Digital Marketing Specialist / Libertarian / Crypto Enthusiast / Safex Holder www.safex.io/getsafex/invest
Go to the profile of Paul Belluzzi
Go to the profile of Aussiesloth
Aspiring writer with an interest in crypto
Go to the profile of Roeuge1
Safex = Fiat Freedom
Go to the profile of Nikola Komazec
Nikola Komazec
Content Writer & Digital Marketer πŸ”Έ Cryptocurrency Enthusiast