And begin the Chakra Yog Series| DAY 18 | Un-Dying Yogic Lifestyle Experiment

DeCluttered LifeStyle
5 min readJun 18, 2018

It’s chakra thing now. As we were discussing about energy and human body. And the issue we get into our lives. She has been explaining how emotions get stuck in humans body. Some people do accumulate emotional block in their back so they can not do back bending.

Photo by David Hofmann on Unsplash

It already had heard previously about emotional block but this was a new information. I wonder as I often how can this be possible. People accumulate the energy block in back. And it is causing them to not able to do yoga Asana involving back bending.

So when they sat down in floor with legs straight in front of their upper body they can not make their upper body to move forward and they can not touch their toe.

This is the situation of many people who are working in corporate office in computer and living under a lot of stress. They are trying hard to have a work life balance.

The whole notion of work life balance is a complete vague idea to my understanding. If you are in a field where you can not perceive your work as an important part of life then it is a problem.

It is an indication that you are in a wrong place. You are working which you are not supposed to work. It is something not meaningful to you. It is not a life for you.

Otherwise you would die for it. You will never think of any thing called work life balance.

But the truth is here. Most of the people working in corporate are living in stress and they are not happy. They don’t find a meaning in what they do.

They are working just for the sake of working.

They are working to pay bills, rents, load, debt.

They are working to maintain their family.

They are working to raise kids and pay for their school.

They are working because they have to work. They have a burden. They too have a lot of personal dreams and interest area which they are not able to render.

For most of them it is some kind of bondage that makes them to work. It is not the work with free mindset. It is the work inside a prison scenario. It is true.

Most of them act like a slave instead of a responsible executives.

Few organization has found the issue so the never call their employees an employee.

They call them members of technical staff.


They call them members of some administration.

They rename to play the psychology of words. And that is important for corporate office.

Some organization are successful in creating a home or living environment for their employees so they can consider their office as home and their work as a part of life. And they don’t need to think about any balance between work and life. Because they made the culture and inspire the workers to see a life in it. To see a great meaning in it.

But still it is rare. You can count such companies like 1, 2 and 3. And that’s it.

So the truth remain the same. Most are living like a slave in corporate. Their companies have either fail to create or they actually consider them as slave. In most cases it’s the second one.

So employees working in the corporate are stressed. And they try to bring life to them by childlike activities or by organizing in office yoga or meditation sessions. But they fail miserable.

They never understand the root cause. In most of the case it is the lousy boss who is the culprit. And he manages to save himself because he can play politics and talk so called professionally. This is where corporate can find the culprits. And can find the disease and so can find the permanent cure.

This session of in office yoga and meditation will definitely help them. They help them to release the stress and better fit. But they have to work on things which actually cause the stress to spread.

Key TakeAway:

  1. If you are corporate manager or CEO or owner you need to work on the cause of stress creating entities. There are no bad team it is always bad boss. Work on creating a kind of culture which your employees can consider an important part of your life.
  2. Keep conducting in office yoga and meditation sessions to release accumulated stress in body and mind of your employees.
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“The Hackers Code : The great prison escape project and ways to fly high in life.”

“Letters of Mars on Decluttering :A journey towards more important things.”

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