Top Stories published by Deepomatic in 2016

Beyond classification: announcing our image detection APIs

TL;DR: Deepomatic announces its 4 new image detection APIs for fashion, interior design, weapon and urban scene.

Building Complex AI Services That Scale

Introducing DMake, Deepomatic’s open-source tool to manage micro-services.

Deepomatic provides computer vision solutions to solve image related problems for companies. We take care of everything: problem statement, data annotation…

Search the world with Deepomatic API

We are proud to announce that our visual search API is now made public. Register on and enter a world where end-users can search your own catalogue of images by taking a picture of packaged goods, print media, posters, and more!

Brands, build an interactive ecosystem with visual chatbots

Chatbots using image recognition and AI will create revolutionary, engaging interactions between brands and consumers. Visual bots are automated conversations on messaging platforms that use images to connect to a brands’…

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