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On Social Epidemics, Habits and Behavior.
AR Behavioral Observations : What people do when they are interacting with augmented reality for…
AR Behavioral Observations : What people do when they are interacting with augmented reality for…
As some of you may know, I have been working on Artzy™ for the past 6 months. In this time, I have had the pleasure to share augmented…
Oscar de la Hera
Dec 28, 2018
Muscle Mimicry: How our thoughts generate micro movements invisible to the naked eye.
Muscle Mimicry: How our thoughts generate micro movements invisible to the naked eye.
Believe it or not, our thoughts and emotions spark electrical signals invisible to the naked eye.
Oscar de la Hera
Jul 8, 2018
A short description of Sustainability
A short description of Sustainability
Sustainability is a topic that entered my life at Imperial, and which was heavily discussed at the MFA Products of Design.
Oscar de la Hera
Jun 10, 2018
How choice architecture can help reduce environmental impact.
How choice architecture can help reduce environmental impact.
Today’s topic is centered around the E6PR rings and how choice architecture can help reduce environmental impact.
Oscar de la Hera
Jun 2, 2018
How the Hooked model can keep users coming back.
How the Hooked model can keep users coming back.
Habit forming technology is a concept by Nir Eyal that suggests that one can get users addicted to an application by engaging them through…
Oscar de la Hera
May 29, 2018
The People at the Heart of all Social Epidemics
The People at the Heart of all Social Epidemics
In the game of social epidemics, there is only so much that one can do without getting, solicited or unsolicited, help from powerful…
Oscar de la Hera
May 20, 2018
Messaging: The Crux of Discovery
Messaging: The Crux of Discovery
To start, I would like to ask you a question: How did you discover you favorite creation ?
Oscar de la Hera
May 17, 2018
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