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DaS™ embraces complexity and multifaceted challenges by building flexible and well-connected teams that deliver cultural and operational impact in the time of constant change.
Behind DaS™
Figma’s Space Structure.
Figma’s Space Structure.
Why figma structure matter and why is it important to have all the duck in teh rows so to speak.
Jiri Mocicka
Dec 1
Marketing at Scale with Figma
Marketing at Scale with Figma
And what about Marketing? If Figma to stand against other tools and complete in the race of automated marketing operator?
Jiri Mocicka
Nov 25
Figma: new destination for designers.
Figma: new destination for designers.
Let’s look how Figma is really used across the small, medium and large organisations.
Jiri Mocicka
Nov 11
Figma for Research teams that scale.
Figma for Research teams that scale.
Let’ look at how research teams use Figma fo their quantitative and qualitative research.
Jiri Mocicka
Nov 18
Welcome to Design at Scale™
Welcome to Design at Scale™
Design at Scale™ — the first article is an introduction to a design at scale method and ambitions behind it.
Jiri Mocicka
Mar 9, 2022
The ambition behind the DaS™
The ambition behind the DaS™
Our ambition is to question these methods under the delivery while providing alternative views and development in area of design…
Jiri Mocicka
Apr 1, 2022
History of Design at Scale™
History of Design at Scale™
A brief history of design and how the scale impacted the process of design function as we know it.
Jiri Mocicka
Apr 4, 2022
Design at Scale™ Mindset.
Design at Scale™ Mindset.
What change the whole experience of delivering product or service for the team? — the Mindset
Jiri Mocicka
May 16, 2022
DaS™ — Discovering 3x3
DaS™ — Discovering 3x3
The ultimate data structure for your product team —tested on 200+ agency, startup or in-house, integrated & remote worldwide ↗
Jiri Mocicka
Apr 25, 2022
DaS™ — Hello Section
DaS™ — Hello Section
What lies behind well organised team who can effectively communicate across the product delivery? 1/9 articles ↗
Jiri Mocicka
May 4, 2022
DaS™ — Business Section
DaS™ — Business Section
What is the purpose of the Business section in Product Design Development and what impact it makes to the team and delivery ↗
Jiri Mocicka
May 11, 2022
DaS™ — Research Section
DaS™ — Research Section
What is the purpose of integrated research in Product Design Development. Let’s find out together what impact it makes on the team ↗
Jiri Mocicka
May 12, 2022
DaS™ — Content Section
DaS™ — Content Section
What is the biggest challenge behind managing content at scale for your product or service ↗
Jiri Mocicka
May 14, 2022
DaS™ — Experience Section
DaS™ — Experience Section
Where does the experience live before the customer sees it in their hands? Let’s find together in the following article of 3x3 series ↗
Jiri Mocicka
Jun 5, 2022
DaS™ — Design Section
DaS™ — Design Section
Who decides and where what design you’ll use in your next product iteration? Let’s find out together in the following 3x3 article series ↗
Jiri Mocicka
Jun 7, 2022
DaS™ — Development Section
DaS™ — Development Section
How well is your product developed, or better say how well is integrated with your design and business? Let’s find out together ↗
Jiri Mocicka
Jun 9, 2022
DaS™ — Release Section.
DaS™ — Release Section.
Many people ask how we keep on track the entire release? Let’s find out together what 3x3 can bring to your product delivery ↗
Jiri Mocicka
Jun 12, 2022
DaS™ — Integration Section.
DaS™ — Integration Section.
Most overseen function in the current product design development that means the difference between the success and failure ↗
Jiri Mocicka
Jun 14, 2022
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