destream Use Case no. 3 — Cryptocurrency Signal Providers

Published in
5 min readOct 27, 2022

Hello, everyone! We’re continuing our series of “destream use case” articles, and today we’re going to talk about cryptocurrency trading signals providers. The two previous articles were about art and music. We suggest reading them too.

But first, let’s make a little preface: what are crypto signals?

The most effective development model for the cryptocurrency market is to copy the trading methods of other, more conventional, markets. And one of the results of this copying is cryptocurrency signals — forecasts on the price movement of specific cryptocurrencies. These signals are given by individuals or companies that can correctly assess the prospects for the development of the market state based on technical analysis or a specific trading strategy and determine in which direction the price of a particular cryptocurrency is most likely to go next.

The people who provide signals are called crypto signallers, and, for the most part, their work is not much about financial advisory, but about generating actionable insights.

Now let’s talk about the ways of monetizing cryptocurrency signals.

  • Working for traders — cryptocurrency trading is a promising yet risky way of making a fortune. In short, crypto traders are people who buy cryptocurrency, and then carefully choose the right moment and sell it for maximum profit. Crypto signallers are those, who help traders to choose that moment… for a fee, of course. And although the cryptocurrency market is growing super rapidly, it still remains relatively new, so there’s no specifically formed, clear, and effective payment system. Some crypto traders prefer to pay signallers with fiat money, while others pay with cryptocurrencies (and those vary a lot), some of them are ready to form a subscription, and others — to make a one-time payment for a certain period of service. Moreover, the geographical location and availability of crypto and classic payment methods still remain a problem. And this is where destream enters the game.

How destream helps: Our platform lets crypto traders and signallers make payments and withdrawals from almost any part of the world. Besides, on destream, you can make payments and withdrawals in cryptocurrencies. Now add the 4,77% as a flat platform fee. Oh, and don’t forget, that you can withdraw the crypto on your destream balance as fiat money. And now we have the perfect solution for monetization.

  • Becoming an industry influencer — in fact, being a crypto signaller (or trader) is cool not just because of the potential the market obtains, but also because being a good signaller/trader means being a good analyst and knowing almost everything about cryptocurrencies. In turn, having such an immense amount of specific knowledge means you can have your own pages/accounts on different platforms (Twitter, Telegram, etc.) and start gathering an audience and gaining tips for your insights.

How destream helps: Binance accounts replenishment and crypto vouchers, widely used among crypto traders, can be easily purchased via the destream marketplace WITHOUT even withdrawing obtained tips. Just read this guide and you’ll know everything about how to do it. And, what is more important, destream is one of the best platforms (if not the best) for crypto tips in the world as it has a function of withdrawing cryptocurrencies as fiat.

  • Helping people to become a signaller (or a trader) — thanks to their knowledge, crypto signallers/traders are great teachers when it comes to making money in the crypto world. Being among the pioneers of a new ambitious market, they can share the surface part of their knowledge for free and then charge money for the other, deeper part… the part where all the magic lies.

How destream helps: specifically for such cases, destream has the functionality of recurring tips. Using them, you can easily monetize your educational content (webinars, courses, etc.) by just telling your audience about this functionality and showing them how to use it (P.S. it’s super easy). Enjoy!


Guys, meet John! Our everyday guest has already done some arts and music and is now retrained into a crypto signaller. Now he doesn’t use many platforms and limited himself to three — Telegram (for work, educational activities, and communicating with the audience), YouTube (for educational content and efficient self-branding), and Twitter (for gathering insights and being aware of what Elon Musk, Chris Larsen, or Winklevoss brothers say). In addition to all the above, John has a Linktree multilink and his “old but gold” destream account.

How it works:

  • John uses YouTube for raising self-brand awareness. He makes interesting video content about cryptocurrency flows and how to make benefit from them. Also, on YouTube John posts educational content. Under each video, he places the classic destream tipping link. This generates income that John uses for making even better content. Plus, during videos, he calls people to communicate with him in his Telegram chat (where all the magic happens) and explains to them the benefits of entering the private chat via making recurring tips: access to more specific knowledge and ideas that can become REALLY useful in terms of making money.
  • The description part of John’s Twitter account contains his Linktree multi-link… not only a tipping link. The guy uses Twitter as the main place to stay connected to the world’s most famous crypto traders, signallers, and businessmen, and this fact makes it crucial for John to be able to show every platform he’s present on in one place. Plus, Twitter helps to gather more audience to his other platforms.
  • And finally, the most urgent place for John — the Telegram group containing the latest news, useful information, memes (why not?), etc., and a private chat. Here he monetizes his experience and shares market intelligence & actionable insights… in exchange for recurring tips, of course.

This is what John’s Telegram group looks like (attention to the pinned message above):

The market of cryptocurrencies has great potential but is definitely not one of the easiest places of making money. It requires a lot of time, energy, luck, and concentration. That’s why all the people involved in such a business must stay focused on things that go on right now and don’t get distracted by settling random financial transactions from this or that place in this or that currency. And destream is a perfect way of saying goodbye to all the inconveniences associated with financial flows.

Have a nice day, and stay creative!

