Dether Roadmap Update

Here’s an in-depth look at what we’ve accomplished so far, what’s in progress, and what’s ahead for the Dether app. See the roadmap.

Dr. Taylor Smith, PhD
6 min readDec 24, 2018



✔️Alpha launch of the Dether app

✔️Launch of Dether for Shops

✔️Dether tour in Asia

✔️PWA launch

✔️Beta app improvements: light-wallet, transaction history, QR code

✔️Stable coin and ERC20 token integration

✔️Dether desktop web app release

✔️Android launch

✔️BotLatAm Tour

✔️Web3 version of the Dether app

In progress:

🕒 iOS launch

🕒 App improvements: translations, new tokens, in-app chat, token-selling feature

On the way:

🗓️ Automated token listing feature

🗓️ Affiliate program

🗓️ Decentralized arbitration

🗓️ Zoning feature

With the New Year quickly approaching, what a better time to review the progress and milestones of the Dether project.

Our roadmap is now on the Dether website, describing the milestones we’ve reached, the project development elements currently in progress, and what to expect farther down the development line. The roadmap will serve as a guideline for the advancement of the Dether project, and will be updated to reflect any changes and accomplishments.

Here’s a breakdown of the highlights you’ll see, and a look at what’s ahead.

What we’ve accomplished so far: major milestones from October 2017-December 2018

✔️Alpha launch and Dether for Shops

The alpha version of the Dether app was launched on Kovan testnet in October, 2017. We not only launched the alpha app during this time, but we also collected important feedback from early Dether users that we were then able to implement into the app.

A look back at Dether alpha launch announcement

Shortly after, we launched Dether for Shops, in March 2018, allowing retailers to register themselves on the Dether map and let shoppers know that they accept cryptocurrency. Merchants around the world in places like Australia, Japan, and Croatia listed their shops on the Dether map.

Releasing Dether for Shops in March to give merchants greater visibility

✔️Dether in Asia

Dether then participated in a major Asian tour, spreading the word about Dether and meeting with early adopters.

The team traveled with Startup token to Seoul, Tokyo, Hong Kong, and Singapore, presenting to future tellers and startups.

✔️PWA launch

The progressive web app (PWA) version of Dether was launched on Ethereum mainnet in August 2018. It functions as the beta version of the Dether app, and was originally released in 120 countries, with 20 new countries added in September 2018.

With the Dether progressive web app, users can transact with individuals and shops that accept crypto, exchange ETH for ERC20 tokens and vice versa, find crypto buyers and sellers nearby via the Dether map, discuss trade conditions through Telegram and schedule an appointment in order to make a transaction, and make a successful transaction secured by the Dether smart contract.

Kai Ansaari and JP Morgan completing the first Dether trade in Australia just a few days after launch

✔️Dether app improvements

Since the launch of the app, we’ve introduced:

  • a light wallet encrypted key
  • the ability to create, edit, and delete a point of sale
  • private key password protection
  • a gas transaction gauge
  • transaction history visible in the app
  • QR code scan
We’ve added new coins to the exchange and feature, as well as a sliding gas transaction gauge.

In addition, we’ve included a reputation system that allows users to know the background of a seller before initiating a trade, and support ticket integration to track and repair any potential bugs or feedback.

We’ve also added stable tokens, like DAI and nUSD to the Dether beta app, as well as a growing list of ERC20 tokens. Adding stable tokens to the app offerings was particularly important to the Dether mission, as we wanted to make crypto accessible to those merchants or individuals who might shy away from crypto’s validity.

Twenty-one ERC20 tokens are available in the Dether wallet and twelve are available in the exchange feature, with more being added weekly.

Business owners feel that the high volatility of cryptocurrencies is not economically sustainable for their businesses. Dai solves this problem for cryptocurrencies.

✔️Dether desk web app

The Dether desktop web app was released in October, 2018, allowing users to access and use Dether right from their desktop or laptop computer.

A few weeks later in November 2018, we released the Android version of the Dether app, available on the Google Play store. The process was done using Cordova, which you can read more about here.

✔️BotLatAm Tour

We rounded out the year with a tour in South and Latin American, with the Blockchain on Tour Latin America association, exploring the massive potential of Dether in Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Peru, and Mexico. While there, Dether cofounder, Hamid Benyahia, was able to share Dether and make trades in Ecuador and Colombia.

During the tour, we presented with Status, SwarmCity, Giveth, and Appics.

✔️Web3 version of Dether

A web3 version of the app has been completed, enabling dApp stores and decentralized browsers to list the Dether app and make it available to their users. We are also working on a manual token listing feature, in which the team could manually list desired ERC20 tokens in the app.

Dether is now listed on the Opera dApps browser and the Coinbase dApp browser

What’s in progress

🕒 iOS version of the Dether app

Currently, the development team is working on the iOS version of the Dether app. Much like the Android version of the app, the process will be done using Cordova.

🕒 ️App improvements

We are in the process of adding more currencies to the app, so that even more people can be a part of the crypto ecosystem, by buying crypto in their local currency.

The app and website have been translated into several languages, including Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian, with plans to add more languages in the coming months.

The team is also in the process of integrating an in-app chat system, that will allow users to chat and connect without leaving the Dether app. This may be in the form of an in-house messaging app, or Telegram. Because Dether is both an application and a protocol, we want other dApps to be able to interact with the protocol, which would best be done using a messaging application like Telegram.

We are also actively working to allow PTM (person-teller-machines) to sell ERC20 tokens to buyers for cash.

What’s ahead: Q1-Q3 2019

🗓 ️Token listing

On the horizon is an automated token listing feature, where dApps can automatically list their ERC20 tokens on the Dether wallet.

🗓 Zoning system

We are also refining the Dether map to create a zoning system for premium places on the Dether Map for Dether sellers.

A sneak peak at the upcoming zoning system

🗓 ️Affiliate program and reputation system

We are creating a decentralized affiliate program, where users will be rewarded for bringing new users on board.

In addition, we’re working on a comment feature for the reputation system, so that users can have even more feedback to consult about previous trades and make informed trading decisions.

Finally, we’re putting in place a decentralized arbitration court system, enabling Dether for Shops users to benefit from a third-party decentralized court system and arbitrate rules within the Dether protocol.

Ready to try the Dether app for yourself? Download the Dether wallet app on Google Play, or try it on your desktop or mobile phone as a web app.

