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Detour Blog
Detour Blog
Detour is a platform for location-based audio experiences, available in the iOS App Store and coming to Android in June. We make our own premium outdoor tours in San Francisco, New York, and other cities. We also provide tools that let anyone create their own tours.
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Making Soundwalk Tenderloin with John Perry Barlow

Ever wonder what goes into the making of a Detour? Soundwalk Collective has been making brilliant audio walks for over a decade, and we were thrilled to host their latest creation on Detour. This short documentary takes you through their…

Walking the Trash Talk

The City of San Francisco is trying to end trash as we know it.

The plan is called Zero Waste and the idea is that the entire city will stop putting anything at all in the landfill by the year 2020. That means reusing or recycling every single thing San…