Top Stories published by Dev Channel in September of 2016

Using http/2 for App Engine Local Development

I’ve been using App Engine for many years to develop web apps at Google. Most of the open source projects I’ve worked on use it for its simplicity and scalability. A couple of examples are the Google I/O web app, the Chrome team’s…

Cross-origin Service Workers: Experimenting with Foreign Fetch


Service workers give web developers the ability to respond to network requests made by their web applications, allowing them to continue working even while offline, fight lie-fi…

Simple sharing on the web with navigator.share

Many of you know that I am passionate about inter-app communications, specifically the action of sharing. One of the things that I have encouraged anyone who wants to do the next version of Web Intents to do is focus on a very small and specific…

Long live the Desktop

In his Ode to the Desktop, Dion writes:

I consumed more and created less

I’ve written down similar thoughts many years ago, and I’m glad we’re having this discussion again. The above summarizes the biggest flaw of the new and shiny…

Chrome 53: Shadow DOM v1, Payment Request API and more

[To stay ahead of the game, subscribe to Chrome beta posts on]

With Chrome 53, you can now easily create encapsulated, re-usable web components with Shadow DOM v1; mobile payments…