What’s different about dex.blue?

dex.blue Blog
Published in
4 min readNov 7, 2019

Trustless real-time trading with the most advanced trading tools.

dex.blue is now live on Ethereum mainnet!

Crypto exchanges are a key piece of infrastructure in our ecosystem. As traders ourselves, in late ’18, we took onto the challenge to build a better DEX: a fast, liquid, and uncompromisingly secure trading platform.

Having closely followed the evolution of crypto trading for the past couple of years, and listened to professional crypto traders, we couldn’t be more thrilled to show what we have been working on — this is dex.blue!

I. Performant

Seamlessly connect your wallet, deposit funds, and trade tokens. Our interface is designed for intuitive trading from the first time on, making dex.blue performant and accessible whether you are an expert trader or just getting started with a DEX.

By design, the dex.blue architecture prevents front-running and makes order placements, order cancellations and order adjustments free of gas costs.

II. Secure

Leaving your funds in control of a centralized exchange creates a single point of failure, putting all users’ assets at risk. Decentralizing the custody of funds is the only way to go!

When you deposit on dex.blue you are transferring funds into an audited, Ethereum smart contract so your crypto is safe and always under your control. Only your address, that originally made the deposit, can withdraw the funds from the smart contract or enter a trade.

III. Flexible

Elevating DEXs’ usability to a new level, our unique Delegated Signing Keys lets you create a trustless Trading Login with password and 2FA so you can place orders on any device and in any browser, managing the funds from your existing wallet.

Automated traders can leverage Delegated Signing Keys using them as an API key on a centralized exchange. This enables them to trade cold wallet funds on a hot wallet without exposing the private key to the cloud provider.

Creating a Trading Login and logging in

IV. Liquid

We clearly focus on providing liquidity in the reputable large-carp Ethereum tokens. On top of our own liquidity, dex.blue also integrates other decentralized liquidity pools (Kyber, Uniswap, Eth2Dai) so you always ensured to trade in a liquid market at the best price available.

At launch this is the list of utility tokens that you will be able to trade:

Let us know if we should consider adding any other utility token.

V. Advanced

With advanced order types like Stop-Limit, Fiat-Pegged, Hidden and Market orders, dex.blue offers you control and granularity so you can trade like a pro and let the orders do the work for you.

Instantly edit all your orders within the signed allowance without re-signing.

VI. Powerful APIs

dex.blue offers advanced, real-time WebSocket APIs which gives you more control than any other DEX.

Thanks to dex.blue proprietary Delegated Signing Key technology and Client Libraries in NodeJS and Python, API integrations are as straight forward as you can imagine.

Placing a limit order with our Javascript library.

These are just some of the many features that we have worked on, come and try them out at dex.blue — trade now!

If you want to be the first one to receive the latest dex.blue news first or have any questions, feel free to follow us on Twitter and to join our Telegram group!



dex.blue Blog

Trade in real-time, across all on-chain liquidity.