Day 134 or “The Day Stormy Learns That Rocks Can Melt”

Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad
3 min readJun 4, 2017

We start today with science. As we scoot off for breakfast, Stormy tells me about a conversation she had with her best friend. She is skeptical that volcano’s can melt rocks. We spend the next 10 minutes talking about how everything has a melting point and what the 3 states of matter are. It takes effort, but I avoid introducing plasma and don’t even go near Bose-Einstein condensates. She starts singing the “evaporation condensation precipitation” song that she learnt at school. But this time about rocks.

During breakfast we talk about the day ahead. I’m excited because we’re planning to go to Universal Studios at Sentosa which should be a fun day for both of us. Stormy, however, had changed her mind. She decides that she just wants to go to Royce’s — the same kids playground we go to most weeks. I am honestly sick of that place, but I can’t talk her out of it. I spend the next few hours pretending to enjoy myself while Stormy has a great time. After lunch and ice cream (I deserve it) we head to another mall which has a playdough popup activity center. After spending the obligatory $50 (her best friends birthday present is now sorted) she spends the afternoon jumping on the bouncing castle and creating unrecognisable creatures. The playdough mascots, real people in foam playdough suits, are just creepily dancing in the background the whole time.

After a while we come home. She sees her friends in the condo pool and, even though it’s getting close to dinner, we jump in. By the time we get home and have our showers it’s too late to cook anything so I order home delivery and we settle on watching TV for a little while. Bed time is the usual battle. But tonight is a little more disconcerting than most. Sitting here at my computer I can hear her making something in the other room. I can hear hammering, tape and cupboards opening and closing. It’s either a death ray or a forest. Either way I know I’ll be cleaning something up in the morning.

It’s a book stand. The size of the hallway. Why did I ask?

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Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad

Business Geek in a three piece suit: Everything from Agile Business Management (author of Directing the Agile Organisation) to 30's pulp SF. Tweets are my own.