Day 142 or “The Day After the Birthday Party”

Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad
2 min readJun 12, 2017

It has been a long week. In only 7 days, Stormy has experienced the best and worst that life can bring. Starting with a funeral for her great-uncle in Sri Lanka and finishing with a party with all her friends for her, soon-to-be, 5th birthday. I feel that, even though her mother has returned to Australia and thus reinstated my single dadness, the coming week will be easier.

Stormy is on her 🏫 school vacation this week. And, as I am working, I have enrolled her into the holiday program at her school. As far as I can tell, all that means is that there are fewer kids at school. Everything else is the same. Well, almost everything. I decided to put her on only the afternoon bus this week. It’s ToastBox and scooting each morning. A small hole in my plan emerges just as we get to school and my tyre goes flat. I drop her off and grab a taxi back home to get the tyre fixed.

Returning home in the evening and, after a quick dinner of 🍝 spaghetti bolognese, it’s time to play. Stormy has acquired quite a few new toys from her birthday party yesterday. We start by creating stories with her new Playmobil farm. Apparently the bunny is a magical rabbit who can stop the rain being caused by the evil magician. This continues until bedtime. At this point she cracks out the new Lego and I leave her to play by herself. The theory is that she can stay up past her bedtime if she remains in her room and plays quietly. This backfires as she calls me in every 2 minutes to find a piece of Lego that she can’t see. Even though it is literally right in front of her.

I finally get her to sleep. The fact that it’s in the chair next the my computer is beside the point.

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Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad

Business Geek in a three piece suit: Everything from Agile Business Management (author of Directing the Agile Organisation) to 30's pulp SF. Tweets are my own.