Day 71

Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad
3 min readApr 2, 2017

Today I am at a loss as to what to do with Stormy. I think I used up all my good ideas yesterday. Stormy wants Vegemite toast for breakfast and, without any other plan, we go out exploring. We don’t find Vegemite toast but do end up having an English breakfast at one of Gordon Ramsay’s restaurants here in Singapore. Stormy impresses me by actually eating a significant amount of sausage and bacon. Although no baked beans. This surprises me as they were the reason she wanted to order the English Breakfast in the first place. I think she is confused because they don’t look like tinned baked beans.

After some quick Googling over breakfast, we decide to go to the nearby Art Science Museum. Sadly we are turned away. The exhibit that we are going to see is, despite what the website says, closed for the next two weeks. Scratching my head as for what to do, we wander aimlessly around Marina Bay Sands for a bit. This was where Stormy shows me she has mastered the art of negotiation. We walk past a candy pop-up store. She sees the sweets and asks for some. Even before I can refuse she looks me straight in the eye and brings out the big guns. “Daddy, don’t make me cry in the shop”. She’s completely calm when she says this. I really don’t know if she’s bluffing and am not strong enough to call her. I buy sweets.

We eventually make our way to Clarke Quay where I introduce her to Liquid Nitrogen ice cream. I’m not sure she deserves it, but I feel like I do. From there we decide to spend the day at Royce’s kids gym — an indoor playground full of toys for her and agony for me. We emerge three hours later and, as it is about to rain, head straight home.

I can’t face the rest of the day so I put on a Movie for her (Zootopia) while I fall asleep on the sofa. Not the greatest parenting. But about all I can handle. A quick dinner of left-overs and I bundle her into her bed. And by bed I mean she plays with her Lego for about 3 hours before falling asleep in my room.

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Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad

Business Geek in a three piece suit: Everything from Agile Business Management (author of Directing the Agile Organisation) to 30's pulp SF. Tweets are my own.