Day 70

Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad
3 min readApr 1, 2017

Stormy joins me in bed sometime during the night. I wake to go to the gym and sneak out trying not to wake her. As I pass her bedroom I see that Chewie, our dog, has made her bed his own. Nothing I can do but leave him there. I return from the gym and, before long, Stormy wakes of her own accord. She’s hungry so we go to ToastBox early. As we’ve got an hour before Sportsball we decide to go up to Fort Canning and play.

We scoot up the hill and stop by the “sandpit”. It’s actually an exercise area, but try telling that to a 4 year old. She creates a sandcastle under the weights frame and builds a wall of sticks around it.

We scoot off and find a “swing”. I sit there for about 15 minutes while Stormy runs off to pick up flowers she sees on the ground. She comes back to me and encourages me to join her. “Let’s go pick some flowers for mama”. Then conspiratorially, “you could pick some for your mama”. She’s good about not picking them from the trees and still manages to collect about 20 flowers from the ground. Once she has them she turns to me, “I don’t want to give these to mama”. So fickle. But she does pick one flower and give it to me. “This flower is because I love you”. Best. Daughter. Ever.

Before we leave she asks if we can come back again. “Absolutely”. Her eyes light up. “We can come up here, play on the swings, play in the sandpiiiit, and maybe”, she changes to a much quieter, sneaky voice, “collect some leaves”. I’m not sure why that was what she was most excited about.

We get to Sportsball. Today is Tennis. Stormy does pretty well at hitting the ball. She’s had lots of practice at hitting things it seems. The rest of the day passes without incident.

After dinner, Macaroni and Cheese, I give Stormy her usual bath. As I lay out the towels I notice Han, our cat, sleeping on one of Stormy’s teddy bears. I tell Stormy to be quiet and come and look. She sneaks up quietly, then decides to gently boop the cat on the nose who, of course, wakes up. “Oh you’re awake” she says. At which point she wraps herself around the cat. “Do you want wetness. Wetness is on you…”. Those were literally her words. The cat, despite being wet, didn’t seem to mind too much. I disentangle them both and finally put Stormy to bed.

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Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad

Business Geek in a three piece suit: Everything from Agile Business Management (author of Directing the Agile Organisation) to 30's pulp SF. Tweets are my own.