Day 89

Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad
2 min readApr 21, 2017

Really, today started yesterday. We part from Nilmini at the immigration gates and walk hand-in-hand through the door. Stormy starts to sniffle. “I miss mummy”, “I love my mummy”, and so on. I bend down beside her and tell her that I miss mummy too and that we’ll see her again soon. Before long her sadness has turned to opportunity. “I miss my mummy, that’s why I need Ribena”. It doesn’t work. Though I respect the deviousness of the attempt.

We pass through immigration and security without incident. Of course, duty free is conveniently placed immediately afterwards so we are forced to walk past the Lego toys. Stormy see’s a Lego house play-set and it’s all she wants. “It’s Lego Movie, ‘Everything is awesome’”. How can I say no to that. We walk to the gate and sit down for a quick snack and drink before we need to board our flight. She’s really well behaved during the flight and watches a couple of movies before falling asleep in my lap.

We land just past midnight and she wakes long enough to walk to the taxi. Then she’s asleep again until we reach home. She carries her bags upstairs and she’s back in bed within 5 minutes. 7am rolls around and I rouse Stormy from her slumber. She doesn’t want to go to school. “I’m too tired”. But I don’t give her a choice. By 8am she’s on the school bus and I’m off to work.

As I have calls in the evening, I decide to come home early today. I find Stormy playing with her new Lego play-set. It’s a little too advanced for her and she struggles to follow the complex instructions. Regardless she is having great fun. Her enthusiasm for building “stuff” is the only thing stopping me from succumbing to my inner Lord Business. We stop long enough to eat dinner. Which she happily does. And a bath. Which she unhappily does. We’re return to her Lego and are so engrossed that her bedtime sails past. I do eventually notice and it’s for the bed time grumbles to begin.

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Evan Leybourn
Diary of a Single(ish) Dad

Business Geek in a three piece suit: Everything from Agile Business Management (author of Directing the Agile Organisation) to 30's pulp SF. Tweets are my own.