Go to Digital Health Matters
Digital Health Matters
Digital Health Matters explores the ways in which digital technologies are reshaping the practice of medicine and healthcare and the potential benefits and challenges that arise as a result.
Note from the editor

Welcome to our new publication on the future of medicine. In this publication, we will explore the ways in which digital technologies are reshaping the practice of medicine and healthcare, and the potential benefits and challenges that arise as a result. We will delve into topics such as patient engagement, the use of artificial intelligence in healthcare, the impact of digital technologies on the patient-provider relationship and the changing face of healthcare professionalism in the digital age. Our goal is to provide a forward-looking perspective on these issues and to offer insights and perspectives from experts in the field. We hope you enjoy this publication and welcome your feedback and suggestions for future topics.

Go to the profile of Marie Ennis-O'Connor
Marie Ennis-O'Connor
Social Media Consultant. Keynote Speaker. Digital Storyteller. https://hcsmmonitor.com
Go to the profile of Marie Ennis
Marie Ennis
Healthcare Communications Strategist | Keynote Speaker | HIMSS FUTURE50 Awardee
Go to the profile of Matthew Katz
Matthew Katz
I’m a doctor dedicated to improving health. Fortunate son, husband, father. Asking questions to help patients, health professionals, citizens. Neutral good.
Go to the profile of CancerGeek
Chief Strategy & Marketing Officer GE Healthcare; BoD Precision Medicine China; Healthcare ruckusmaker; #radiology #Nof1 https://youtu.be/PfM3hLyfHf8
Go to the profile of Tatyana Kanzaveli