Top Stories published by Thoughts on Digital Heritage in October of 2016

Hopi Chasing Star Kachina Figure: Making a 3D Model

The heritage of the Hopi people are very strongly tied to the divine beings that they believe govern the natural phenomenon that rule the natural world. Events such as lightning, wind, the stars in the night sky, and the sun are all…

GIS Maps of Hiroshima Peace Memorial

World heritage sites are places with cultural, natural or mixed heritage significance. These sites are part of the United Nation Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) 1972 convention to safeguard place with outstanding universal value. The…

Photogrammetry of the Baby Mammoth Bronze at the Lubbock Lake Landmark

The Columbian mammoth was one of the largest Pleistocene mammals on the North American continent ~11,000 years ago. These megafauna were hunted by the earliest Americans and are present in the archaeological…