The Only Way Is Digital.

Digital Society
Published in
6 min readMay 15, 2017

Due to the rise of the internet and advances in new technology, society has been catapulted into a digital world that has become heavily reliant upon the use of mobile phones, tablets and various other digital means on a day to day basis. However, is this new generation a blessing or a curse for the people living within it?

The growth and expansion of the digital world has had major influences upon society. It would be wrong to deny the great benefits we have gained as a result of the constant discoveries and the progressions made by individuals who strive to better technology as we know it. As discussed during The Internet of Things topic, the advances in technology within recent years has made the impossible, possible. Whether that be speaking face to face through a smart phone device to someone on the other side of the world or using search engines like google to diagnose yourself as having a myocardial infarction or some sort of tropical disease from the comfort of your own home. The outcome of living in a digital world enables us to have everything at our fingertips, making everyday tasks as hassle free as possible. This is made evident through the introduction of contactless payments, Apple Pay, constant internet access (Wi-fi and 3G/4G), Ding, 3D printing and smart phones, the list is endless. (However most of the time these operations don’t run so smoothly).

  • Olivia in session 2 mentioned that ‘due to modern day technology everything is made so easy, it definitely benefits me in everyday situations. It’s something that I don’t really give a second thought, I have never really known anything different’.

Similarly, more ground breaking discoveries are made every day to develop sectors such as health, wellbeing and education, this being a direct result of living within a digital society. Such developments can have beneficial advantages for the entire population, often saving lives or allowing for a better quality of life. In terms of medical breakthroughs, there are life changing consequences for those who are in need of assistance, an example of this would be the development of bionic limbs.

It is clear to say that the impact of living within this digital society can have extremely valuable results. Results that can have life enhancing consequences for not only the individual but the population, in all aspects of life.

  • Rachel mentioned in session 2 that ‘For most of us, the effects of living in a digital society are overlooked, when in fact we are influenced by them in many different ways’.

However, there are often bad connotations associated with an excessive use of digital media, this being something which most of us are in contact with more often that not. One vital outcome which is not given a second thought is the effects such engagement can have on our health. Scientists have proven that living in a digital society not only effects our social lives but also our health, constant engagement with technology has been linked to poor sleep quality. This can have further implications on other aspects of our lives, i’m sure we all understand the consequences of a lack of sleep.

Furthermore, for the individual when it comes to digital means it is vital to consider your online presence, your entitlements and behaviours. Your online behaviours can have implications in various other aspects of your life, it is your digital footprint that will exist indefinitely. Nothing is private anymore, technology these days stores every little bit of information you post to everything you type into google. Employers probably know everything about you before you even show up for the interview, by simply typing your name into google or any social media for that matter, your whole life is on show for the world to see.

This has been somewhat of an advantage for marketing and advertising companies who now use ‘customised search results, tailored advertising, and spam and malware detection’. This may be seen as a bonus to for those who utilise the online shopping experience but for some it can be seen as a hinderance.

Digital media, whether that be engaging with technology or the use of social media has taken over society. Most people of this generation rely on it, can not a day without it, ‘it’s addictive’. After taking into account all the compelling implications of living in a digital world (there being too many to mention in this post alone) I came to the same conclusion that I have always held, the expansion of the digital world is inevitable as a society we must reap the benefits that can help enhance our lives however personal boundaries must be set in order to maintain real life relationships and enjoy life away from the computer screen. Who knows what life within a digital society will be like in the future..

“Your worst fear is a black screen and a lost charger.” — Molly Horan of Mashable

Personal Reflection. My decision to branch out from the Psychology modules in which I had first intended to do was some what of a risk in my eyes, however it is something that I do not regret doing for many various reasons. By deciding to pick up a module that was outside of my degree topic area, this being The Digital Society, only led to my knowledge and understanding being enhanced for the better. The Digital Society sparked interest through my desire to pursue a career in marketing, I feel that this was the most fitting course that could aid me in doing so and give me a better feel for the digital world and how marketing plays a role within it.

The Digital Society as a whole has helped me gain insight into the workings of the digital world we live in, highlighting the advantages and implications that come with it. I found each topic as interesting as the one in the previous week, with each class being informative and fun. In particular the topic based upon Engagement was something that interested me the most, it sparked questions in my head and really made me reflect on my own personal engagement with technology and how it has changed over time. Not only this but I also got a feel for how companies (like Pepsi) use the knowledge of engagement to their advantage through creative advertising and other marketing strategies. Another aspect of this course which I found most useful is the freedom to write blog posts tailored to my preferences which enabled me to utilise and develop skills in writing that is not as academic as most of my other modules. I found this informal style of writing to be a challenge at first, breaking away from the norms that I am so used too, however I feel like I have developed in this area, such skills will be transferable to other aspects of my academic progression.

If someone was to ask me whether The Digital Society is worth taking my answer would of course be yes. I believe it was a great addition to my skill set and real eye opener to the effects that technology has on society. It further drives my want to go into marketing and I will continue from here to take into account the effects of the digital world which we live in.

