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Digital Adoption 101
Exploring topics of interest for organizations undergoing digital adoption, such as: digital transformation, training and onboarding, user experience, and the customer experience.
Digital Transformation
Digital Employees
Digital Design
Digital Customers
Digital Guests
Five fascinating jobs that don’t exist yet — but will in future
Five fascinating jobs that don’t exist yet — but will in future
The illiterate of the 21st century will not be those who cannot read and write, but those who cannot learn, unlearn and relearn — Alvin…
Nov 26, 2019
The Art of Creating Transparency within the Workplace
The Art of Creating Transparency within the Workplace
If you’re reading this article, you’ve also come to acknowledge the importance of transparency in the workplace. You have probably…
Shani Merdler
Sep 11, 2019
The Top 7 Software Frustrations Your Employees Have to Deal With Daily
The Top 7 Software Frustrations Your Employees Have to Deal With Daily
Imagine if the apps on your phone never needed an update, every job you worked used the same software, and you never had to learn to use…
Aug 29, 2019
How Co-Working and the Gig Economy are Disrupting Corporate Environment
How Co-Working and the Gig Economy are Disrupting Corporate Environment
Co-working spaces alongside the gig economy have monumentally shifted the way we view traditional work, particularly in a corporate…
Jul 28, 2019
Why a Good Customer Experience Beats the Best Price
Why a Good Customer Experience Beats the Best Price
The evolution from customer service to customer experience (CX) continues to be a top priority for companies, and with good reason…
Jul 22, 2019
Visionary Leadership is Not Just for CEOs
Visionary Leadership is Not Just for CEOs
A clear company vision is the constant ability to see through the clouds to the blue sky above. It is the fundamental way for a company to…
Jul 1, 2019
How to Manage Digital Transformation Across Different Generations
How to Manage Digital Transformation Across Different Generations
Digital transformation is not about technology, it’s about people.
Jun 25, 2019
7 Change Management Exercises to Minimize Resistance
7 Change Management Exercises to Minimize Resistance
It is human nature to resist change. However, to keep up with a constantly evolving marketplace, organizations must be adaptable and…
Jan 20, 2019
Deep Dive: Why You Need Self-Service in Your CX Strategy
Deep Dive: Why You Need Self-Service in Your CX Strategy
My dad recently told me he’s never used an ATM in his life.
Aug 9, 2018
Solving Customer Journey Pain Points
Solving Customer Journey Pain Points
Your prospective customers are on a digital journey. From the moment they land on your page — you are their tour guide. Make their stay a…
Jul 31, 2017
SharePoint® User Training: Best Practices for Enterprise
SharePoint® User Training: Best Practices for Enterprise
Have you ever started a new job and found yourself waiting for IT for longer than necessary to get you set up on the relevant systems? Have…
Jan 17, 2018
Infographic: Training in the Digital Age
Infographic: Training in the Digital Age
Do you remember the first time you had to apply information you learned in a classroom? You’re about six years old and you’re attempting to…
May 7, 2018
Has the World of Change Gone Mad…? That Depends on How You Define it
Has the World of Change Gone Mad…? That Depends on How You Define it
Why are so many change managers complacent with the status quo?
Chris Smith
Oct 11, 2018
Didn’t Get the Memo (Part 3): Overcoming Digital Bombardment
Didn’t Get the Memo (Part 3): Overcoming Digital Bombardment
This piece is part of a multi-part series. Check out part 1 and part 2.
Madeleine Truitt
Nov 22, 2018
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