This post is dedicated to and addressing young developers or anyone in general who are just starting their…
4 years later of heavy usage and me naively thinking I know the ins and outs of RxJava, I…
Alright, let’s talk about code.
I am pretty sure every entrepreneur, investor, product manager or whoever interacts with software development should get this.
Your company’s idea is like an empty house…
Hamburg 2018, the community has never been larger.
I remember back in 2015 joining one of the first Android meetups here in Hamburg. They were sparse, happening every 1–3 months due to the lack of speakers. I also remember the drive of the organisers…
Life is a book.
And it doesn’t really matter which title you will give. It’s a book that you write your own story. It’s a book that you know the title only when you finish writing this story.
Let’s face it. Camera api in Android is so broken. Ever talked with an iOS colleague…
5 minutes of talk.This is what you need when you talk to someone to identify if he does his job because he of love or because of need.
RxJava & MVP pattern are probably the 2 biggest topics in Android talks for the last 1–2 years. Maybe you gave a related talk recently too? :)