Go to Disability Acts
Disability Acts
Disability Essays, Screeds, and Manifestos by Disabled Writers for Everyone. We are now closed, but this archive of outstanding writing remains for the world to read.
Note from the editor

**DISABILITY ACTS closed in March of 2021. As a fully volunteer-run magazine, we worked as long as we could to share the voices of disabled writers. We will keep the magazine online so that all of the important writing that we published will remain available. The contributions we collected over the years, $55, will be donated to a disability organization TBD, which we will announce on our Twitter feed. We look forward to continuing to do good work via our Twitter feed, so please stay in touch with us there, and via our own personal accounts, @krgpryal and @kelly_j_baker.** We founded DISABILITY ACTS in August of 2018 because we were fed up with the challenges disability writers face placing our work in normate magazines. It's not like we haven't been successful hewing to normate requirements-we have been. And we appreciate the magazines that have given us space to write about disability. But we, like other disabled writers, stories about editors who didn't believe what we wrote was even real. Or we struggled to tell our stories within the parameters set by the magazine. CripLit is still a burgeoning genre, and it deserves its own space. Here's one of them.

Go to the profile of Katie Rose Guest Pryal
Founder and co-Editor-in-Chief
Katie Rose Guest Pryal
IPPY-award-winning author, keynote speaker, professor of law and creative writing. #ActuallyAutistic. She/Her.
Go to the profile of Kelly J. Baker
Kelly J. Baker
Writer: religion, disability, mental disorders, higher ed, gender, & pop culture. Now writing endings & apocalypses and pandemic motherhood.
Go to the profile of Chad Musick
Chad Musick
I’m in Japan. I’m a mathematician. I’m a poet. I’m disabled with a full-time job. I’m happy. I write about those things. Fiction. Non-fiction. Poems. Whatever.
Go to the profile of Ben Lunn
Ben Lunn
Described as a Composer of Life music. Conducts and Lectures sometimes. Up to shenanigans with @HEB_Ensemble and #ActuallyAutistic
Go to the profile of Odochi Ibe
Odochi Ibe
Odochi’s a freelance storyteller & carefree black girl waiting on Wakanda & Uagadou School of Magic to approve her admission. www.patreon.com/FiveFifthsMedia
Go to the profile of Marion Michell
Marion Michell
London-based visual artist (with currently dormant hands), blogger, writer. Have M.E. One book to my name: Supinely Sublimely. Selected Prose, Palewell Press.
Go to the profile of Andrea Lambert
Andrea Lambert
Author of Jet Set Desolate, Lorazepam & the Valley of Skin and the chapbooks G(u)ilt and Lexapro Diary. Column, “Dining with a Cursed Bloodline in Entropy Mag.
Go to the profile of Rosie Pacey
Go to the profile of Paul Thomas
Paul Thomas
P. L. Thomas, Professor of Education Furman University, taught high school English before moving to teacher education. https://radicalscholarship.wordpress.com/
Go to the profile of Amy Hendrix
Amy Hendrix
Writer, art history geek #multiplesclerosis #arachnoiditis #human
Go to the profile of K719
Disability, Education, Spirit, Scripture, Faith, Life
Go to the profile of Eva Camille
Eva Camille
Queer. Mutant. Magnet. Magic. She/her. IG: Brujahahahaha
Go to the profile of Elizabeth Land Quant
Elizabeth Land Quant
Autistic, queer, chronically ill writer and mom. Lover of boots, dictionaries and Star Trek. True crime and Latin poetry enthusiast.
Go to the profile of Jennifer J. Johnson
Go to the profile of Keshia Scott
Keshia Scott
Feminist. Eater. Writer. Advocate. Dual citizen, biracial, bilingual — sadly not bisexual, just think of the alliteration!–and disabled AF. @Keshia_Scott
Go to the profile of Lee Skallerup Bessette
Lee Skallerup Bessette
Learning Design Specialist, Georgetown U. Lover of Literature. Neurodivergent. Size XL. Co-host of All The Things ADHD Podcast.
Go to the profile of Catherine Denial
Go to the profile of Chuck Pearson
Chuck Pearson
Hardly official. But officially nerdy. https://chuckpearson.wordpress.com/about/
Go to the profile of Rebecca Epstein-Levi
Go to the profile of Lexie
Integrative Psychotherapist in Training; Writer; Radical Black Intersectional Feminist #blacklivesmatter; Campaigner for black mental health