Six Simple Ways To 10X Your Viewership and Readership

It’s so simple you need someone to complicate it for you

Ajayi Olalekan
Ditch the Grind
4 min readMar 12, 2024


Photo by Avi Waxman on Unsplash

Are you pouring your heart into articles, but hardly anyone is reading them? You watch your view counts stagnate at pitifully low numbers week after week. The crickets greeting your posts suck the joy right out of your writing.

It’s crushing to feel invisible after crafting content you worked so hard on. Without readers, it is impossible to build an audience and achieve your writing goals.

But there are fixes for the readership drought! With a few simple adjustments, you can dramatically multiply the number of people engaging with your Medium articles. With the right strategy, you can start building an audience of dedicated readers who can’t wait for your next post.

This article will walk you through six concrete steps to go from barely-there views to booming readership.

Here are six ways to easily 10x the number of eyes on your articles:

1. Know Your Audience

Your articles are not just for you. So don’t just write what you like.

First, figure out who your readers are.

  • What do they want help with?
  • What questions do they have?
  • How can your writing help them?

When you give your readers what they need, they will keep coming back for more!

So take the time to understand your audience. Then write articles that speak directly to them. The minute this happens, it’s a matter of time before your tribe begins to form.

Related article: The Biggest Writing Mistake I See New Writers Make All The Time

2. Write Good and Catchy Headlines

Your headline is the first thing readers see. It needs to grab their attention right away so they want to read more.

The best headlines often:

  • Ask a question
  • Say “How I/to”
  • Promise something useful
  • Use odd numbers like “7 Ways”

Spend time crafting headlines your readers just have to click on. This gets more eyes on your articles.

Below are a few articles that can help you improve your headlines and hooks.

How to Write Headlines So Good People Can’t Look Away

Hypnotic Writing: How to Craft Irresistible Headlines

3. Use Relevant Topics

On Medium, you can add up to 5 topics when publishing an article. These topics help Medium know what your article is about.

Be sure to only use topics directly related to your niche and article focus.

For a writing article, good topics would be “writing,” “blogging,” or “writing tips.”

Choosing closely aligned topics means Medium will show your articles to readers interested in those subjects. This brings you new readers who want to read about your niche.

4. Write for Publications

Big publications on Medium already have lots of readers. So write articles for publications that fit your niche.

First, read their rules for submitting articles. Then write great pieces that are a good match for the publication and their readers.

This exposes your writing to whole new audiences. Just be sure to provide real value for each publication’s readers.

5. Make Your Articles Easy to Read

Big blocks of text are hard to read. Break up your writing with:

  • Short paragraphs
  • Lots of white space
  • Numbered or bulleted lists
  • Subheadings

This gives readers’ eyes a rest and makes your articles easier to skim. More people will read to the end.

6. Use Simple Language

Fancy words can make writing confusing. Use simple words your readers use daily:

Instead of “utilize” say “use” Instead of “numerous” say “many” Instead of “initiate” say “start”

Simple writing is super clear. Your readers will get your points without any effort.

If your reader has to rack their brain to understand you, you’ve not communicated.

Wrapping Up

Getting more readers takes work. But following these basic tips can 10x the number of people who see and enjoy your articles.

Just focus on your audience, grab attention, use topics wisely, and make your writing super easy to read.

Before long, you’ll have all the readers and fans you could want!

Beyond fans and readers, if you want to build a profitable career out of writing, then I invite you to get on a free 15-minute clarity call with me.

I hope this helps you. If it did, clap me a thousand times (joking, a few tens would do), leave me a comment (it will encourage me a lot), click the follow button and subscribe to get email notifications.

If this was helpful, think of how much valuable my Medium Masterclass would be. Check it out

How to Crush It On Medium



Ajayi Olalekan
Ditch the Grind

Premium Ghostwriter 🇳🇬 🇺🇸 🌎 Get my free ebook (Passion to Profit) - | Get my Medium Masterclass —