The Eternal Method | DREP Testnet 3.0 Euler Launching on May 31, Aimed at Lowering the Barrier of Enterprise Adoption

DREP Foundation
DREP family
Published in
5 min readMay 22, 2019

The Evolutional Origin, D awrwin

The Breaking Point, R iemann

The Eternal Method, E uler

The Constant Change, P lanck

D · R · E · P — they respectively stand for 4 versions of DREP Chain Testnet as well as 4 important milestones of DREP public chain development timeline.

DREP Testnet 3.0 Euler is launched today, aimed at accelerating enterprise blockchain adoption and lowering the threshold for technology integration.

DREP Testnet 3.0 Euler, evolved from DREP Testnet 2.0 Riemann, optimizes a number of components including P2P module, transaction pool module, node synchronization and transaction query. The 3.0 version also adds address alias feature, making DREP Chain more user-oriented and easy-to-use.

Overview of DREP Testnet 3.0 Euler

l Cluster structure: 7 main chain nodes, 128 sub-chains

Each chain has 7 nodes. Nodes in main chain verify all transactions and nodes in sub-chains process their respective transactions and blocks

l Total number of nodes in the network: 903 = 7+128*7

l Node deployment: USA, Canada, Japan, China, South Korea, Singapore, UK, etc.

l Peak TPS: 14,000

New Features

Address Alias Feature

Address alias facilitates user identification and record. Besides, alias and address are mapping and alias update and delete functions are available. User’s various operations based on address can be implemented by alias.

To achieve mass adoption of blockchain, it is imperative to lower the threshold for both enterprises and individuals to use this technology. Users are accustomed to the easy-to-use systems with the likes of Paypal, WeChat and Alipay. And the one-to-one alias system could replicate this user experience to a large extent, greatly reducing the barriers for new users to utilize blockchain.

Optimized Features

① Optimization for P2P module

Trust nodes were added to the P2P module. Under the BFT consensus mechanism, all outbound nodes are able to join the main chain in the form of trust nodes, in which they enjoy the privilege of constructing P2P networks in advance, making the network fast and stable. When a hook is provided by P2P, the upper modules of blockchain protocol and the P2P module are decoupled, so that each module of the upper layer could independently define its own message type and message processing method.

Such optimization improves the stability and efficiency of the outbound nodes within the network, and enhances the security for the entire network.

② Optimization of transactions/data block query for historical data

MongoDB was introduced to achieve distributed high-concurrency data read and write in nodes, improving read and write speeds from 10 transaction data per second to 10,000.

③ Optimization of the transaction signature verification process to greatly increase TPS in the main chain

Previously, the TPS for one single main chain was 1000, and now it can reach 6000 TPS.

That is to say, DAPP developers and service providers of all kinds could build blockchain applications with higher-frequency and smoother operation within DREP network based on this optimized feature.

④ Add golang to the Client, and use http to connect with the server

This optimized feature provides more options for exchanges to release free trial and official launch, and facilitates third-party developers to build platforms by using DREP source code.

⑤ Optimization for transaction pool

The read-write separation method is adopted, which is to deploy one queue to write data to the transaction pool, and another one to read data from the transaction pool. After the read-write separation, the speed of receiving data in the transaction pool would not be constrained. Only when transaction data is large enough to exceed pre-allocated space by the system, the transaction pool would fail to receive data.

⑥ Optimization for node synchronization

In previous version, the new node would only synchronize data to one full node. While for the optimized synchronization, the new node would obtain the hash of all the blocks to be synchronized from one full node. Then, based on network state, this new node would selectively synchronize to other nodes. And the current practice is to send request to other three nodes, which avoids the problem of unilateral synchronization. Besides, multiple synchronizations would improve efficiency.

The road ahead will be long. Our climb will be steep.

For Testnet 3.0 Euler, DREP dev team further reduces the barriers for enterprise blockchain adoption, and helps our partners easily integrate blockchain into their businesses on the DREP platform with customized services and solutions. In this way, the DREP ecosystem will gain benefits from these tangible partnerships and collaboration.

In order to achieve the vision, we have been focused on fields listed below.

① Develop DREP SDK and incubate killer blockchain games

DREP will continue to build DREP SDK to support DAPPs of all kinds. With DREP SDK, DAPP R&D teams are able to release multi-public-chain asset versions, built-in wallets and asset trading platforms with one-click. Moreover, as gaming DAPPs are not confined to certain public chains but to connect various digital assets, all users are able to pay, transfer, lend and conduct other economic activities. Based on DREP ID, DAPP R&D teams are also capable of acquiring more public chain users from traditional game players.

② Connect digital assets and reduce transaction friction

DREP, based on the needs and expectations of ecosystem development, is dedicated to multi-asset integration. In the beginning, a simple version of SWAP based on DREP internal system will be presented, which supports the exchange between DREP with Tokens within DREP ecosystem; and then expands to one-to-one exchange between two certain Tokens within system.

③ Build a cross-chain system and form a value network

At the protocol level, DREP will create and coordinate different protocols to form a norm that regulates project building/deployment, allowing DREP continue to research and build a cross-chain network. The network will also synchronize and migrate personal behavioural and identity data such as reputation (credit/loyalty) across chains, and ultimately achieve seamless value exchanges between DREP ecosystem and other chains.

About DREP Foundation

DREP is committed to building “connectors” and “toolkits” based on blockchain technology, providing solutions that combine ease of use, flexibility and frictionless integration. Based on DREP Chain, DREP ID and DREP SDK, DApp R&D teams are able to release multi-public-chain asset versions, built-in wallets and asset trading platforms with one-click.



DREP Foundation
DREP family

DREP 2.0 is the decentralized credit-data middleware based on layer-2 facilities, to be the backbone of DeFi Credit Era.