Support for Elephant Money + Our New Website

Let’s get straight to the point:

View your Drip, Garden, Animal Farm, and now Elephant Money holdings at a glance

The new Drip Oracle website:

New website:

The app now loads on you’ll need to reconnect your wallets and reset your notification settings when using the new url. To easily transfer your wallets, export them and import them from the top right toolbar (next to the “ADD WALLET” button of the app

If you are new to Drip Oracle- the multi-wallet dashboard for Drip (and now EM), check out our previous articles, which showcase major product updates:

Follow our publication to stay up to date on future product enhancements. Join our telegram announcement channel to be notified of product updates via telegram or hop right in to our customer support group to ask us questions, share ideas, and talk with other Drip Oracle users.

Elephant Money Support

EM Token prices and Totals widgets added

Wallet Totals Widget

Elephant Money tokens have been added to the “Wallet Totals” widget, which shows you the total amount of your tokens, now across Drip and Elephant Money. The reason it shows zero in the screenshot is because this connected wallet has none of these tokens. The Trunk and Trunk (PCS) show you comparative values of each, based on where your Trunk is currently valued.

Now you can view your holdings in Elephant, Trunk, and Trunk (PCS).

Elephant Money Totals Widget

Just like the Drip, Garden, and Animal Farm Totals widgets, the Elephant Money Totals Widget displays your Trunk and Stampede holdings across all wallets you’ve added and/or connected to Drip Oracle. Now you’ll be able to easily see your holdings across multiple projects, at a glance.

View your total Trunk staked and bonded

New Single Wallet ROI Widgets for Trunk Stake and Stampede

When you access the Widget Catalog, you’ll now see new Single Wallet ROI Widgets for Trunk Staking and Stampede. These widgets show you how much is available and your total amount staked/bonded, similar to the Drip and Garden widgets.

Table View for Elephant Money

Elephant Money now has its own table view, that you can access from the left sidebar. The table view shows you the Elephant Money tokens you have in wallets, and amounts deposited, withdrawn, staked, and available for Trunk Staking and Stampede.

What’s next?

More widgets to the catalogue and support for more projects. One of the immediate things we’d like to do after this release is add interactivity with the widgets themselves (like the ability to claim/hydrate directly from a widget itself).

If you have feedback or an idea for a killer widget, please let us know in our Drip Oracle Customer Support group on telegram and ask us questions if you need help.

Please support our development efforts:

Here’s how:

  • Copy and paste this link to a friend:
  • Join our announcement channel on Telegram to get a message when there’s important Drip Oracle updates.
  • Drip Oracle is free to use. Please consider airdropping if you’ve been using the application and are getting value from it.

My address: 0x9e2AA1645375aE6b360E48F4458BCc515374434C

Rich’s address: 0x1c6dB52f60F30502498D9035da6bCB93edce8804

Please help us by smashing the clap button so that this article gets distributed on medium to the Elephant Money holders- you know the drill!

